Last Thursday we had 18 of our turf science students compete in the Golf Course Superintendents Association (GCSAA) Collegiate Turf Quiz Bowl Challenge. This team event tests the student’s knowledge on topics like turfgrass, weed, seed and pest identification, mathematical calculations for the turf industry, equipment identification and business management for the green industry. This national competition involved 44 teams and over 150 students from more than 20 institutions who all met in San Diego as part of the annual GCSAA Conference. Purdue sent five teams represented by 18 of our undergraduates and placed 3 teams in the top 10 including the winning team. This is a back-to-back win for the Purdue undergraduates who also won last year’s competition and this winning team also won the competition conducted by the Sports Field Managers Association annual meeting in January. The traveling trophy will be on display for another year in the student resource center. Students were advised and coached by Jada Powlen (PhD student) and Cale Bigelow. We should be very proud of all the effort these students put into this event.
A short YouTube video about the competition and announcement of the winning team at the meeting’s closing ceremony is here on GCSAA-TV