New Paper from Kranthi Varala and Xiaojin Wang – HLA Happenings

New Paper from Kranthi Varala and Xiaojin Wang

Kranthi Varala and his graduate student Xiaojin Wang published a paper in collaboration with three other Purdue faculty:

Li L, Garsamo M, Yuan J, Wang X, Lam SH, Varala K, Boavida LC, Zhou Y and Liu X (2022) CAND1 is required for pollen viability in Arabidopsis thaliana—a test of the adaptive exchange hypothesis. Front. Plant Sci. 13:866086. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.866086

The paper describes a mechanism by which different members of the F-box family can work interchangeably in different organs of the plant to concurrently maintain a consistent level of protein turnover and organ specificity.

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