HLA Members Presented at NCERA-101 Meeting – HLA Happenings

HLA Members Presented at NCERA-101 Meeting

Purdue-affiliated group of 7 people sitting in front of a plant wall.

Celina Gómez, Cary Mitchell, Lian Durón, Sofia Gómez, Michael Fidler, and Sungeun Lim presented at the North Central Extension & Research Activity–101 (NCERA-101) meeting in Ames, Iowa.

Drs. Celina Gómez and Cary Mitchell gave an oral presentation highlighting their group’s research.

Lian Durón, Sofia Gómez, Michael Fidler, and Sungeun Lim received travel awards to present a poster at the meeting, and participated in the student competition for 3-minute oral presentations. Lian received recognition for 5th place among 23 students in the competition.

View more photos from the NCERA-101 Meeting in this gallery.

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