Elizabeth Boults (Continuing Lecturer- Landscape Architecture & Environmental Design – University of California, Davis) & Chip Sullivan (Professor of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning – University of California, Berkeley).
Thursday September 21st, at 3:30pm, HORT117 or join via Zoom.
Wisdom of Place: Recovering the Sacred Origins of Landscape
Abstract: Have you ever been alone in the woods and felt an eerie presence? Throughout human history, nature was long thought to be animated by unseen forces. The landscape was alive with deities and mystical entities who personified natural features and events. This lecture will explore nature‐based archetypes and folklore from cultures across the world to call forth the voice of the genius loci—the spirit of place— and reveal the creative forces and hidden currents of nature. We shed light on the ecological imperatives of our time by reframing traditional archetypes through a unique lens that overlays art, nature and metaphysics. Connecting with larger themes of nature can help people rediscover the energy and magic in the landscapes around them and provoke positive action towards their preservation.