As outside light levels are steadily increasing, many of you must have noticed rapid plant growth inside the greenhouses. This is the time to pay close attention to nutrient deficiencies in plants. If supplied nutrients are not proportional to plant growth rate, then deficiency symptoms start to appear on plants. There are a few important[Read More…]
Hanging baskets are very popular around this time in many Indiana greenhouses and are targeted for the Mother’s day. Petunias and geraniums are popular bedding plant choices for hanging baskets. Temperature affects both growth (ex: change in size) and development (ex: change from vegetative to flowering stage) in plants. This means that greenhouse temperatures during[Read More…]
I started discussing about fertilizers in the last report. I want to further expand fertilizer concepts in this and perhaps, a few more reports. The purpose of this report is to provide information on fertilizer needs of green leaf lettuce grown in containers filled with a peat based media. The recommendations from this report should NOT be used for hydroponically grown[Read More…]
Fertilizer Requirements of Greenhouse Plants: One Size Does not Fit All! Dr. Krishna Nemali, Controlled Environment Agriculture Extension Specialist Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, Purdue University Email:, Tel: 765-494-8179 Hope you are all getting busy in the greenhouses. I have been travelling around and finding that many growers generally use one fertilizer[Read More…]