Research Publications – Controlled Environment Agriculture (NEMALI Lab)

Research Publications


  1. Scavacini, I., da Costa Mello, S., Nemali, K. 2024. Supplemental light quality affects the optimal seeding density of microgreens. Urban Agriculture and Regional Food Systems (in press).
  2. Kong, Y, A. Deering, and K. Nemali. 2024. Reducing Escherichia coli O157:H7 Contamination in Indoor Farming: Effects of Cultivar-Type and Ultra-Violet Light Quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
  3. Kong, Y and Nemali, K. 2023. Fixed vs. Variable Light Quality in Vertical Farming: Impacts on Vegetative Growth and Nutritional Quality of Lettuce. PLoS ONE.
  4. Adhikari, R and Nemali, K. 2023. Connecting the Dots: Path Model to Identify Key Phenotypic Traits for Screening Plants with Tolerance to Nitrogen Deficiency. PLoS ONE.
  5. Zea, M, Souza, A, Yang, Y, Lee, L, Nemali, K. and Lori Hoagland. 2022. Leveraging high-throughput hyperspectral imaging technology to detect cadmium stress in two leafy green crops and accelerate soil remediation efforts. Environmental Pollution.
  6. Nemali. 2022. History of Controlled Environment Agriculture: Modern Greenhouses. Hortscience.
  7. Adhikari, R. and K. Nemali. 2021. Whole-Plant Tissue Nitrogen Content Measurement Using Image Analyses in Floriculture Crops. Journal of Environmental Horticulture.
  8. Kong, Y. and K. Nemali. 2021. Blue and Far-red Light Affect Area and Number of Individual Leaves to Influence Vegetative Growth and Pigment Synthesis in Lettuce. Frontiers in Plant Science.
  9. Burgner, S., Nemali, K., Massa, G., Wheeler, R., Morrow, R., & Mitchell, C. A. 2020. Growth and photosynthetic responses of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. cv. Tokyo Bekana) to continuously elevated carbon dioxide in a simulated Space Station “Veggie” crop-production environment. Life Sciences in Space Research.
  10. Miller, A., Adhikari, R., & Nemali, K. 2020. Recycling nutrient solution can reduce growth due to nutrient deficiencies in hydroponic production. Frontiers in Plant Science.
  11. Adhikari, R., & Nemali, K. 2020. A Novel Method for Estimating Nitrogen Stress in Plants Using Smartphones. Horticulturae (MDPI Journal), 6(4), 76.
  12. Miller, A., Langenhoven, P., & Nemali, K. 2020. Maximizing Productivity of Greenhouse-grown Hydroponic Lettuce during Winter. HortScience, 55(12).
  13. Adhikari, R., Li, C., Kalbaugh, K., & Nemali, K. 2020. A low-cost smartphone-controlled sensor based on image analysis for estimating whole-plant tissue nitrogen (N) content in floriculture crops. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.
  14. Fischer, J., Nemali, K., & Rogan, G. 2020. Yield component responses of biotechnology-derived drought tolerant maize under controlled environment conditions. Agricultural and Environmental Letters, 5(1).
  15. Craver, J., Nemali, K., & Lopez, R. 2020. Acclimation of growth and photosynthesis in petunia seedlings exposed to high-intensity blue radiation. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 145(3).
  16. Li, C., Adhikari, R., Miller, A., Kalbaugh, K., & Nemali, K. 2020. Measuring plant growth characteristics using smartphone-based Image Analysis Technique in Controlled Environment Agriculture. 2020. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.
  17. Nemali, K., & van Iersel, M. 2019. Relating Whole-plant Photosynthesis to Physiological Acclimations at Leaf and Cellular Scales under Drought Stress in Bedding Plants. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science.
  18. Kong, Y., Nemali, A., Mitchell, C. A., & Nemali, K. 2019. Spectral Quality of Light Can Affect Energy Consumption and Energy-Use Efficiency of Electrical Lighting in Indoor Lettuce Farming. HortScience.
  19. S. Nemali, C. Bonin, F.G. Dohleman, M. Stephens, W.R. Reeves, D.E. Nelson, P. Castiglioni, J. E. Whitsel, B. Sammons, R.A. Silady, D. Anstrom, R. E. Sharp, O. R. Patharkar, D. Clay, M. Coffin, M. A. Nemeth, M. E. Leibman, M. Luethy & M. Lawson. 2015. Physiological Responses Related to Increased Grain Yield under Drought in the First Biotechnology-Derived Drought Tolerant Maize. Plant, Cell & Environment 38 (9): 1866-80
  20. M. Easlon, K.S. Nemali, J.H. Richards et al. 2013. The physiological basis for genetic variation in water-use efficiency and carbon isotope composition in Arabidopsis thaliana. Photosynthesis Research 119 (1-2):119-29
  21. K. McKay, J.H. Richards, K.S. Nemali, S. Sen, T. Mitchell-olds, S. Boles, E.A. Stahl, T. Wayene, T.E. Juenger. 2008. Genetics of drought adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana II: QTL analysis of new mapping population, Kas-1 x Tsu-1. Evolution 62 (12): 3014-3026
  22. S. Nemali and M.W. van Iersel. 2008. Physiological responses to different substrate water contents: screening for high water-use efficiency in bedding plants. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 133: 1-8
  23. S. Nemali and M.W. van Iersel. 2007. A new controller for irrigation and simulating drought stress in potted plants. Scientia Horticulturae 110: 292-297
  24. S. Nemali, F. Montesano, S.K. Dove, and M.W. van Iersel. 2007. Calibration and Performance of moisture sensors in soilless substrates: ECH2O and Theta probes. Scientia Horticulturae. 112: 227-234
  25. van Iersel, M.W. and K.S. Nemali. 2004. Drought stress can produce small but not compact marigolds. HortScience 39: 1298-1301
  26. Kang, J-G., M.W. van Iersel, and K.S. Nemali. 2004. Fertilizer concentration and irrigation method affect growth and fruiting of ornamental pepper. J. Plant Nutr. 27: 867-884
  27. Nemali, K.S. and M.W. van Iersel. 2004. Acclimation of wax begonia to light intensity: changes in photosynthesis, respiration, and chlorophyll concentration. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 129: 745-751
  28. Nemali, K.S. and M.W. van Iersel. 2004. Light effects on wax begonia: photosynthesis, growth respiration, maintenance respiration, and carbon use efficiency. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 129: 416-424.
  29. Nemali, K.S. and M.W. van Iersel. 2004. Light Intensity and fertilizer concentration: II. Optimal fertilizer solution concentration for species differing in light requirement and growth rate. HortScience 39:1293-1297
  30. Nemali, K.S. and M.W. van Iersel. 2004. Light Intensity and fertilizer concentration: I. estimating optimal fertilizer concentration from water-use efficiency of wax begonia. HortScience 39:1287-1292
  31. Nemali K.S. (Sainath-Krishna, M.N) and M.W. van Iersel. 2003. Light effects on wax begonia: photosynthesis, growth respiration, and maintenance respiration. Acta Hort. 624:541-547.

Book Chapters

  1. K.S. Nemali and M. Stephens. 2014. Plant Abiotic Stress: Water. Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems, Elsiever Publishing Company 4: 335-43.
  2. Nemali, K. and M.van Iersel.2004. Acclimation and growth of photosynthesis of wax begonias grown at different light levels. In: E. Runkle and P. Fischer (eds.) Lighting up profits. Understanding greenhouse lighting. p. 22-23. Meister publishing, Willoughby, Ohio. (ISBN 1-892829-10-X)
Controlled Environment Agriculture (NEMALI Lab) - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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