Psychological Sciences Copy Center

The PSCC is a multi-function space located in Peirce Hall, Room 385. It serves as the central location for basic office supplies and recycling as well as the source for all of your copy and scanning needs. The CC also serves as the Lost and Found for the Psychological Sciences Building, Peirce Hall and the Class of 50 Lecture Hall.

The Xerox 7346 is our walk up copier. It is a multi-function machine that copies in black and white and color, will staple with one, two, or 4 staples, two and three hole punch, has the ability to put up to 8 pages on one sheet of paper, can put the same image on one sheet of paper up to 8 times, allows watermarks to be put on the copies to differentiate from the original, allows annotations of date time and page numbers,  covers on the front and back of the copies, allows book copying and rotation and shifting of the images, and allows color effects for the color copies. It will also e-mail scan to pdf in color.

The Ricoh C5210s is our production copier. This machine is mainly for the copy center operator’s use. It will not only copy in color, but it will also allow sheets to be inserted into the copies that are being made so that images can be inserted at will. It will scan in color, so that is an option for pdf files. This machine will make booklets as well as performing all of the functions that the walk up copier performs.

We have a computer set up in the CC that you can use to print from both copiers. You can bring a USB flash drive to plug in or download from your preferred file sharing app.

Feel free to stop by!

Psychological Sciences, 703 Third Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-6061 FAX: (765) 496-1264

2020 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Psychological Sciences

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