Diana J Evans

Diana Evans

Forestry and Natural Resources

Extension and Web Communications Specialist
FORS Room 107
195 Marsteller Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2033

Why Extension?

What is your current role as part of the extension team?

As the Extension Information Coordinator for the department, I have the opportunity to help bring forestry and natural resources into one location for quick responses to worldwide requests, to collaborate with the state-wide community and the Purdue community. Sharing publications, videos, scheduled workshops, teaching material and “how to” articles from our Purdue scientists, researchers and specialists are just a few of the resources I can provide. I have also designed and share many resources to professionals, students, prospective students and outdoor enthusiasts with the Department “Got Nature?” blog site.

If you would like to receive the Got Nature? newsletter by email, send in your email address and contact information to me at evans44@purdue.edu.

Along with gathering information for extension, I am also responsible for gathering, designing and sharing information on the department web site.



  • Purdue FNR Staff: Outstanding Administrative Professional Staff Award - 2013
