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CIO Change

To:        Executive Vice Presidents, Chancellors, Vice Presidents, Vice Chancellors, Vice Provosts, Deans, Directors and Heads of Schools, Divisions, Departments and Offices

From:    Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr., President

Date:     September 13, 2018

Re:        EVP McCartney to lead expanded online learning effort; search underway for new CIO


Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer Gerry McCartney is moving to a position focused solely on the new online learning effort in Purdue’s strategic plan, which was adopted by President Daniels and the Board of Trustees in June.


The goal is to systematically develop a coordinated, unified systemwide portfolio of online offerings, drawing on the online skills of colleagues at all four campuses but noting Global’s expertise in this area.  This goal includes a one-stop-shop portal that matches learners of all types with programs that best meet their needs – and points them to possibilities they may not have even considered – while at the same time addressing developing needs in the educational market nimbly through novel programs delivered at scale and with proper support.


This also includes supporting the development of credit and non-credit fully online courses serving a full range of learners but beginning with an emphasis on tailored graduate degrees and programs designed to fill employee development needs of corporate partners.


Gerry assembled a team that performed a six-month in-depth study prior to the decision to add the online effort to the strategic plan in June. He continued to serve as CIO during that time. However, with work on Purdue Online accelerating rapidly, it became clear that one person could not do justice to both positions, leading to the decision to focus Gerry on the online area and to hire a new CIO.


Accordingly, Gerry will be transitioning from his role as chief information officer, and the search for a new CIO is under way. The plan is for Gerry to continue as CIO until the new person is named.