List 39 Marketing and Media

Salary Increase Communication

TO:              Executive Vice Presidents, Chancellors, Vice Presidents, Vice Chancellors, Vice Provosts, Deans, Directors and Heads of Schools, Divisions, Departments and Offices

FROM:         Trent Klingerman, Vice President for Human Resources

DATE:          June 20, 2016

SUBJECT:    Salary Increase Communication


The HR system will be updated with FY 2017 salary increases on Friday, June 24. Please communicate raises for employees with access to the SAP HR System prior to 5 p.m. on June 24.

Supervisors of employees with access to the SAP HR System may contact their business office for final raise information.

  • Salary statements will be released to areas on Wednesday, June 29 for validation and distribution.
  • Salary statements must be released to all employees no later than Wednesday, July 13.
  • Salary increases for non-exempt staff will be effective June 27 and included in payments made July 20.
  • Salary increases for exempt employees will be effective July 1 and included in July 29 payments.

Sasse Steele (; 67752) can assist with any questions.

Please distribute this message to those in your units who need to be aware of this schedule.