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How do I add sections to an existing course merge in Brightspace?

PLEASE NOTE:  Course merges are only recommended in instances where an instructor has been assigned multiple sections of a course or where a course has been cross-listed.  All sections included in the merge will have the same course content, gradebook, and due dates/times.  It is strongly recommended course merges be performed before any student submissions have been received or any grades have been entered.

  1. Login to Brightspace, click the Tools menu, and select Course Merge from the drop down.
  2. You will then see a list of your available courses. If the semester is not correct, click Change.
    • Click the drop-down arrow next to the semester and/or click the arrows next to the year to change them to the desired semester and year. Then, click Change.
  3. Select the course you would like to add into the already merged course (1).

  4. Select the merged course (2).

  5. Click the << Add into Existing Merge button (3).
  6. On the pop-up asking if you are sure you would like to insert the course, click Insert.
  7. The course should now appear as part of the existing merge.

Last Updated: 2/21/2022