Faculty Associates

Christie Sennott

Contact Information
Email: csennott@purdue.edu
Office: BRNG 1126 Map
Homepage: Homepage
Associate Professor of Sociology

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PhD University of Colorado Sociology 2013

Research Interests

Sexual and Reproductive Health, Fertility and Family Formation, Maternal and Child Health, Gender

Teaching Interests

Methods, Statistics, Global Health and Development, Gender


2024 - National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Selected Publications

Sennott, Christie and Danielle Kane. 2024. "Rights vs. Lived Realities: Women's Views of Gender Equality in Relationships in Rural South Africa." Social Problems 71: 595-610. https://doi.org/10.1093/sopro/spac015

Yeatman, Sara and Christie Sennott. 2024. "Fertility Desires and Contraceptive Transition." Population and Development Review. https://doi.org/10.1111/padr.12669

Kelly, Brian and Christie Sennott. 2024. "Event-Centered Interviewing: Integrating Qualitative Interviews with Experience Sampling Technologies." Sociological Methodology. https://doi/10.1177/00811750241283743

Nam, Youngeun and Christie Sennott. 2023. "Korean Mothers' Career Aspirations in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study." Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 14(2): 159-179. https://doi.org/10.1332/175795923X16732607847452

Sennott, Christie, Sade L. Lindsay, Brian C. Kelly, and Mike Vuolo. 2022. "The Liberalization of Cannabis Possession Laws and Birth Outcomes: A State-Level Fixed Effects Analysis, 2003-2019." Population Research and Policy Review 41: 1809-1829. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11113-022-09714-6

Sennott, Christie and Laurie James-Hawkins. 2022. "Norms, Trust, and Backup Plans: U.S. College Women's Use of Withdrawal with Casual and Committed Romantic Partners." The Journal of Sex Research. 59(9): 1140-1152. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2022.2039893

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