Faculty Associates

Libby A. Richards

Contact Information
Email: erichards@purdue.edu
Office: 247c JNSN Map
Phone: 765-494-1392
Homepage: Homepage
Professor of Nursing

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Pillars of Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Social Contexts and Policy for Optimal Aging; Enhancing Biological and Physical Function in Later Life


PhD Purdue University Health Promotion 2012

Teaching Interests

Population Health


2022 - Indiana Center for Translational Sciences Institute
2020 - Purdue University College of Health and Human Sciences
2020 - Purdue University Center on Aging and the Life Course
2020 - Purdue University Clifford B. Kinley Trust
2019 - Purdue University Research Equipment Grant

Selected Publications

Richards, E., Christ, L., Rietdyk, S., Teas, E., & Franks, M. (In press). Association of physical activity and gait speed: Does context matter? American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.

Lin, L., Guo, J., Li, Y., Gelfand, S., Delp, E., Bhadra, A., Richards, E., Hennessy, E., & Eicher-Miller, H. (2023). Temporal patterns of diet and physical activity and of diet alone have more numerous relationships with health and disease status indicators compared to temporal patterns of physical activity alone. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 123(12): 1729-1748.

Rietdyk, S., Ambike, S., Amireault, S., Haddad, J., Lin, G., Liu, J., Newton, D., & Richards, E. (2022). Cooccurrences of fall-related factors in adults 60 and older: A cluster analysis using data from the United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. PlosOne. 17(1).

Thomas, P., Richards, E., & Forster, A. (2022). Is marital quality related to physical activity across the life course for men and women? Journal of Aging and Health. 34(6-8): 973-983.

Richards, E., Woodcox, S., & Forster, A. (2022). What works and for whom? Outcome evaluation of an e-mail walking program delivered through Cooperative Extension. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health. 13(1): 1-9.

Richards, E. & Woodcox, S. (2021). Barriers and motivators to physical activity prior to starting a community-based walking program. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(20).

Richards, E., Thomas, P., Forster, A., & Hass, Z. (2019). A longitudinal examination of the impact of major life events on physical activity. Health Education & Behavior, 46(3): 398-405.

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