PhD Yale University Organizational Behavior 1987
Research Interests
Work-family demands through the life course; work-life interventions: managing organizational change to support work and family/personal life; workplace flexibility, work process improvement and employment relationship; aging worker and workforce relationship; international human resources management; workplace inclusion, gender and diversity and multiculturalism.
Teaching Interests
International human resources; talent management of gender and diversity; work life, work family and organizational change
2019 - National Institute of Aging, Principal Investigator, Family Supportive Supervisor
Training and Workplace Assessment Tool
2019 - National Science Foundation
Selected Publications
Kossek, E. Perrigino, M., & Lautsch, B. in press. Work-life flexibility policies from a boundary
control and implementation perspective. A review and research framework. Journal of Management.
DOI: 10.1177/01492063221140354
Kossek, E., Perrigino, M., Russo, M., & Morandin, G. 2023. Missed connections between the
leadership and work-life fields: Work-life supportive leadership for a dual agenda. Academy of
Management Annals, 17, 1: 181- 217.
Villamor, I., Hill, S., Kossek, E. & Foley, K. 2023. Virtuality at work: A double-edged sword for
womens career equality. Academy of Management Annals. 17: 1: 113-140
Pellerin, S., Ollier-Malaterre, A., Kossek, E. E., Afota, M., Cousineau, L., Lavoie, C., Leon, E.,
Beham, B. Morandin, G. Russo, M., Jaga, A., Ma, J., Lu, C., Parent-Rocheleau. X. 2023 The right to
disconnect. Stanford Social Innovation Review. Winter: pp. 40-45.
Kossek, E., ., Buzzanell, P., Wright, B, Batz-Barbarich, C., Moors, A. Sullivan, C.,, , Kokini, K., Hirsch, A. Maxy, K., Nikalje, A., 2022. Implementing diversity training targeting faculty microaggressions & Inclusion: Practical insights and initial findings. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.
DOI: 10.1177/00218863221132321
Livingston, B., Pichler, S., Kossek, E. E., Thompson, R. & Bodner, T. 2022. An alpha, beta and
gamma approach to evaluating occupational health organizational interventions: Learning from the
measurement of work-family conflict change. Occupational Health Science, 6 :513543
Kossek, E. & Kelliher, C. 2022. Making flexibility more I-deal: Advancing work-life equality
collectively, Group and Organization Management.
EE Kossek (2022). Dreams Of The Overworked: Living, Working, And Parenting In The Digital Age
EE Kossek (2022). Christine M. Beckman And Melissa Mazmanian. Dreams Of The Overworked: Living, Working, And Parenting In The Digital Age
Kossek, K. Dumas, T. Piszczek M. & Allen, T. 2021 Pushing the boundaries: A qualitative study of
how STEM women adapted to disrupted work-nonwork boundaries during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(11), 16151629.
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