PhD Purdue University Sociology 2008
Research Interests
Long term care, implementation of healthcare quality improvement, quality of life and work within nursing home settings.
Teaching Interests
Research methods, health care policy.
2022 - Purdue University Health Equity Initiative
2021 - Marion County Health Department
2020 - Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, subcontract with Indiana University School of Medicine
2020 - National Science Foundation
2020 - Minnesota Department of Human Service
Selected Publications
Fu, R., Abrahamson, K. & Campbell, T. (In Press) Occupational Mobility and Chronic Health Conditions in Middle and Later Life: A Systematic Review International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
Hass, Z., Abrahamson, K., & Arling, G. (In Press) Ownership Change and Care Quality: Lessons from Minnesotas Experience with Value-Based Purchasing Innovations in Aging.
Luebcke, C., Smith, B., & Abrahamson, K. (2022) An Integrated Review of Obstetric Admissions in the Intensive Care Unit Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing, 41(3).
Resnick, B., Zimmerman, S., Gaugler, J., Ouslander, J., Abrahamson, K., Brandt, N., ... & Verbeek, H. (2022). Pragmatic trials in long-term care: research challenges and potential solutions in relation to key areas of care Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 23(3), 330-338.
Van Houtven et al. (2021) State Policy Responses to Covid-19 in Nursing Homes Journal of Long Term Care: 264-282, DOI:
Abrahamson, K., Davila, H., Kirk, L., Garavito, G. A. & Mueller, C. (2021) Can a Nursing Home Psychotropic Reduction Project be Successfully Implemented in Assisted Living? Journal of Applied Gerontology, 40(9): 1071-1079.
Wang, E., Abrahamson, K., Liu, P., & Ahmed, A. (2020) Can Mobile Technology Improve Weight Loss in Overweight Adults: A systematic review Western Journal of Nursing Research, 42(9): 747-759.
Evans, A., Abrahamson, K. (2020) The Impact of Stigma on Suicide Bereavement: A systematic review Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 58 (4): 21-27. (selected as CEU feature article)
Abrahamson, K., Fox, R., Roundtree, A., & Farris, K. (2020) The Nursing Assistant Role in the Nursing Home Patient Experience Nursing and Health Sciences, 22: 72-81.
Abrahamson, K., Unroe, K., Iloabuchi, T., Lieb, K., Russell, R., Cai, Y., & Nazir, A. (2020) Lessons Learned from the Indiana SMART Campaign to Reduce Nursing Home Polypharmacy Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21 (1): 140-141
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