Knowing the answers to the questions found below can be a good first step in helping to keep yourself safer in an emergency by creating a personal EAP. If you need help drawing a map, finding escape routes or writing emergency preparedness directions/steps, consider asking yourself the following series of questions. You should really try to include answers to all of these questions in your personal EAP.
This resource was developed by the USC Center for Global Education's Safety Abroad First - Educational Travel Information (SAFETI) Clearinghouse Project, Gary Rhodes, Ph.D., Director
Where should you go first in an emergency, and what method of transportation will you use to get there?
Be aware of all your emergency transportation options. Know the numbers for the following:
In addition to your personal emergency contacts, we also recommend you look up/ask for the numbers for the following individuals and agencies nearest to your study abroad and/or travel location(s):
Who will you call first, second, third, etc. in an emergency?
Do your emergency contacts have each others' phone numbers so they can communicate and relay information about you to each other?
What are some alternate ways of communicating with your emergency contacts?
The following are some communication options you may have available:
Telephone | Cell Phone/Text Message | |
Satellite Phone | Fax | |
E-mail/Internet | PDA/Palm Pilot | |
Post Office/Express Mail Service | Wire Service |
Who would you like those assisting you to contact in the event of your illness, injury, incarceration, kidnapping, etc.?
Do all of your emergency contacts know what your wishes are in the event of your serious injury or death?
Where does your nearest emergency contact live, and how fast can you get to him/her?
If the situation does not permit you to follow the original emergency plan, what is the back-up plan (Plan B)?
Are there any other special conditions to consider which are unique to your situation (i.e. weather conditions/hazards in your region of study/travel, a personal physical handicap, poor public transportation or phone service in your area, etc.)?
Which items do you still need to add to your emergency first aid kit before it is fully stocked and ready?
Do you have emergency cash reserves, travelers' checks, credit cards, etc. on-hand, in case you can't count on banks/ATMs, or get to a bank/ATM?
Using the emergency supplies and reserve money you have set aside, for how many days would you be able to sustain yourself, and what would you use each day?