Purdue Today.

November 9, 2022

Current web edition

Persistent Pursuit

Faculty and Staff News

Purdue provost announces he will step down in December; search committee formed

Purdue Provost Jay Akridge announced Tuesday (Nov. 8) his plan to step down at the end of December after serving more than five years as Purdue’s chief academic officer. Akridge, the longest-serving provost in the Big Ten currently, will take a sabbatical and then return to his faculty appointment as a professor of agricultural economics.

Things to Know

Veterans Day salute to take place at Purdue Memorial Union
Purdue United Way Campaign still needs pledges to make goal
Faculty and staff invited to apply for innovation grants
Campus parking restrictions in Northwestern Avenue Parking Garage, other locations for home basketball games

Things to Do

Tobacco Cessation wellness program guides individuals through quitting tobacco

In the Spotlight

Allison Russell

‘Lucky Stiff’ brings Purdue, Greater Lafayette community together

When Allison Russell takes the stage at Lafayette’s Civic Theatre, she’s looking not only to make art, but to show others that art can bring people — and communities — together. Russell, program manager for IMPACT at Purdue, is one of many people with a Purdue connection involved with Lafayette Civic Theatre’s production of “Lucky Stiff.” Opening night for the show is Thursday (Nov. 10), and you can find Russell in the ensemble, channeling a myriad of characters throughout the production, which runs through Nov. 19. Share the news: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

Additional News

Jacqueline Linnes

Affordable cervical cancer test holds life-preserving promise

Cervical cancer killed 342,000 women around the world in 2020. Purdue researchers Jacqueline Linnes and Sulma Mohammed are determined to save lives by developing a low-cost, point-of-care paper test that could revolutionize cervical cancer detection worldwide. Share the news: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

Lisa Holman

Purdue Global alumna advances in career and creative pursuits

Lisa Holman balanced school, work and creative pursuits while earning her master’s degree from Purdue Global. Her hard work and practice have brought success – including being selected as the featured vocalist for October’s commencement ceremony. Share the news: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn


Purdue Global honors 16 students with inaugural First-Generation College Student Scholarships
Purdue University Press launches new website


Verbal De-escalation training available online in December


Purdue University Events Calendar

Bringing Our Best

Community, campus rally in support of Ukrainian Scholars

As the world nears the nine-month anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Purdue campus and Greater Lafayette communities are rallying in support of the Ukrainian scholars arriving here as part of Purdue’s program to help them resume their academic pursuits. Share the news: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

Ukraine scholar

* Submit a "Thumbs Up" or send a story idea for "Bringing Our Best" to PurdueToday@purdue.edu to share how Purdue University is a community that is persistent in its pursuit to build a better world together.

Purdue in the News

Here is a sampling of recent news reports about Purdue from media across the nation and the world.

Chronicle of Higher Education: Why is a large public university splitting?
Forbes: Is ‘fake news' creeping into your belief system?
Inside INdiana Business: Purdue forges partnership with tech institute in India
Purdue Today is the official Purdue University communication for faculty and staff