Purdue Today.

May 24, 2021

Current web edition

Protect Purdue

Faculty and Staff News

Protect Purdue update: Outdoor face mask requirement relaxed immediately

Step by step, the Purdue community continues to move toward a greater sense of normalcy in delivering on its mission of learning, research and student-faculty engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Effective immediately, individuals need not wear a mask when outdoors on campus. Previously, masks were required outdoors if continuous safe social distancing was not possible.

Protect Purdue

Purdue COVID-19 dashboard

Things to Know

This week's 'Thumbs Up' recipients

Things to Do

Information on Rx Savings Solutions program is topic of upcoming Healthy Boiler workshop

In the Spotlight

Scientist in lab

Data science pairs with cancer research for better diagnostics, therapies

The next generation of treatments for cancer may be found, not by scientists peering through microscopes, but by computer scientists crunching numbers. Thanks to unprecedented amounts of data, Purdue University scientists are using innovative data science techniques to better understand the genetics and cellular biology of cancer cells and tumors.

Additional News

Quantum workforce graphic

Building the workforce for the Quantum Age

Engineers and other scientists are needed to develop quantum technologies that could revolutionize the way we communicate, compute and sense the world around us. Toward that end, Purdue is working to build a quantum workforce, using a diverse array of tools, including an upcoming summer school, online “micromasters” degree, adapted coursework, clubs and seminars.

Commencement podium

Purdue Global recognizes 1,800-plus graduates

A record of more than 1,800 Purdue University Global graduates worldwide took part in virtual commencement ceremonies on Saturday (May 22). It marked Purdue Global’s 10th commencement since its formation in 2018. Six ceremonies were streamed live throughout the day. More than 225 of the graduates are Indiana residents, while nine live outside of the U.S.


To reach global audiences, think smaller — screens, that is
Purdue-India Partnership inviting nominations of doctoral students from India for extended research visits at Purdue


Transformative work continues this summer for construction, landscape projects on West Lafayette campus


Appointments, honors and activities


Purdue track and field team earns 25 NCAA regional entries
Purdue Athletics teams with INFLCR, Krannert School of Management to launch immersive brand development program

Bringing Our Best

MaPSAC Excellence Award honors Pacheco

For Vanessa Pacheco, listening builds relationships, relationships deepen into reciprocity, and reciprocity enables her to succeed in projects such as the ACE Campus Food Pantry. And that pattern has brought her the 2021 MaPSAC Excellence Award.

Vanessa Pacheco

* Submit a "Thumbs Up" or send a story idea for "Bringing Our Best" to PurdueToday@purdue.edu to share how Purdue University is a community that is persistent in its pursuit to build a better world together.


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Purdue in the News

Here is a sampling of recent news reports about Purdue from media across the nation and the world.

Science Magazine: Millions of electric cars are coming. What happens to all the dead batteries?
Live Science: Finding those delightful Brood X cicadas: Here’s how
Farmers Advance: Newest Tyler Trent scholarship recipient a success story in overcoming life’s obstacles
WISH-TV: Viral infections like HIV and HPV can change human DNA; does a COVID-19 infection do the same?
WXIN/WTTV: Full Steam Ahead Podcast 104 – Math Language
Purdue Today is the official Purdue University communication for faculty and staff