Robot Power and Drive Systems 265 is an overview of the systems and mechanisms that provide power and motion to an industrial robot. Robotic drive systems use a drive to control and feed electricity to a motor, or actuator, that converts power into motion within the robot's joints and components. The main types of actuators are hydraulic, pneumatic, and electric motors, with electric motors being the most common. Together, drives and actuators form a drive system. Drive systems, along with transmission systems, control various degrees of speed and torque to generate motion in a robot and its components. This control affects the precision, accuracy, and efficiency of industrial robots. After taking this class, users will be able to identify and describe common robotic drive system components and their basic functions.
Other Courses in this Program:
Introduction to Robotics 201620210 Robot Safety 211
620215 Robot Applications 215
620230 Robot Components 221
620220 Industrial Network Integration 260
470260 Introduction to Collaborative Robots 275
620275 Robot Sensors 315
620245 Robot Troubleshooting 331
620250 Concepts of Robot Programming 341
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