Dr. Priyanka Baloni & Dr. Anke Tukker are hosting a bi-weekly session for those in EMBRIO interested in learning R and solving their research related questions. Participants only need to bring their laptop with R and R studio installed. We will have an interactive session where we try to solve coding related questions and learn new things related to data analysis and visualization using R. We invite everyone to work on their own R projects, ask questions and learn from each other.
The first session was held Sept. 6th. Those interested in learning or brushing up on using R for data analysis, sessions of R Café will be on Thursdays 9/21, 10/12, 10/26, 11/9, 11/30, 12/14, 4-5 pm in DLR 323 or virtual link https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/3998037199 (please note this day and time change compared to previous announcements).
Contact Details
- Priyanka Baloni
- pbaloni@purdue.edu
- (765) 496-2644