This is a replicated variety trial at Meigs Purdue Ag Center, Lafayette, IN. The experiment is in a split-plot design. Whole-plot is white vs. black plastic, sub-plot is fifteen varieties. Varieties include Galletta, Yambu, Darselect, Flavorfest, Cabot, AC Valley Sunset, Chandler, Camarosa, Sweet Charlie, Camino Real, Merced, Fronteras, Sensation, Ruby June, Keepsake. Plugs were planted […]
We are doing a replicated variety trial at Southwest Purdue Ag Center, Vincennes, IN. The experiment is in a split-plot design. Whole-plot is different row cover management strategies in the winter, sub-plot is seven varieties. Varieties include Chandler, Sweet Charlie, Merced, Sensation, Ruby June, San Andreas, Monterey. Plugs were planted on Sep. 8, 2022. The […]
This is a replicated variety trial at Southwest Purdue Ag Center, Vincennes, IN. The experiment is in a split-plot design. Whole-plot is white vs. black plastic, sub-plot is fifteen varieties. Varieties include Galletta, Yambu, Darselect, Flavorfest, Cabot, AC Valley Sunset, Chandler, Camarosa, Sweet Charlie, Camino Real, Merced, Fronteras, Sensation, Ruby June, Keepsake. Plugs were planted […]
We evaluated four varieties at this site. They were Chandler, Sweet Charlie, Sensation, San Andreas. Plugs were planted around Sep. 10. The caterpillar tunnel has not been covered with plastic yet. The photos were taken on Oct. 6. Chandlers were producing multiple runners, San Andreas was blooming.