Celosia cristata – Famine Foods

Celosia cristata


India: used as a famine food in Hamirpur, Uttar Pradesh; Panch Mahals, Bombay Presidency, Madras Presidency: leaves and young shoots eaten as greens

Additional Information

Name Authority:
Hindi: Kokan, Pila murghka, Lal murghka. Bengali: Lal murga (red variety); Huldi murga (yellow variety). Uttar Pradesh: Sirmali. Rajasthani, Bombay Presidency, Panch Mahals district: Garka. Ali Rajpur, C.I.: Keidu. Punjabi: Mawal, Taji khoros, Bostan afras, Kanju, Dhura dru. Kashmiri: Mawal. Tamil: Punnee keeray. Telugu:Erra-kodi-ulta-totakura, Kodi-juttu-tota-kura, Garodi ab, Juttu tota. Burmese: Kyet-monk. 

 Plant Classification Group:
 Plant References:

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This site is provided to Mr. Freedman by Dr. Jules Janick, Emeritus Professor and Former James Troop Distinguished Professor of Horticulture. The content on this site is provided and maintained by Mr. Freedman.