CSSAC Campus Support Staff Advisory Committee

Employee Grant Application Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How many times can I apply for the grant?

A. There is no limit to the number of times someone can apply.

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Q. If I received a grant in the past, will this hinder me from receiving a future grant?

A. Whether or not an applicant received a CSSAC grant in previous years may or may not be a factor.

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Q. Can this grant be used for Ivy Tech?

A. No, it can only be used for courses at Purdue, West Lafayette.

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Q. Should the letter of recommendation be a hard copy or an email?

 A. The recommendation needs to be submitted in the same format as the application. If you apply online, you must submit your recommendation online.  If you apply via hard copy, you must submit your recommendation hard copy with the application.


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Q. Where is the grant application information published?

A. Information is sent via campus mail to service staff members on the West Lafayette campus.  The application is available via the CSSAC website.

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Q. When will a letter be sent to the applicants to state whether they were chosen for a grant or not?

A. Letters are mailed to all applicants in July.

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Q. When can applicants apply for the CSSAC grant?

A. The application period runs from March 1 to April 15 at 5 p.m.  If either date falls on a weekend, the deadline becomes the following Monday at 5 p.m.

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Q. When does aid get applied?

A. Aid is applied at the start of the fall semester.

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Q. How is aid applied?

A. Aid is applied by the Bursars Office.

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Q. Can the grant be applied to the spring semester, if the fall semester was deferred?

A. Grant monies, if awarded, will only be applied to a semester in which classes are taken.

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Q. If I want to take classes in the spring but not in the fall, can I still apply for the grant?

A. Yes, but you will only receive monies for the semester in which you take classes.

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Q. Do employee grants only apply to employees who currently do not hold a higher degree?

A. Whether or not an employee currently holds a degree is not considered in the application process

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Q. I am a part-time employee with benefits. Can I still apply for the grant?

A. Only full time, regular clerical and service employees may apply. (Op/Tech staff not eligible)

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Q. When is the deadline for application submission?

A. The deadline is April 15 at 5 p.m. of each year. If that date falls on a weekend, the deadline becomes the following Monday at 5 p.m.

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Q. How do I apply?

A. Information regarding how to apply is sent via campus mail to all clerical and service staff members on the West Lafayette campus.  The application is available via the CSSAC website

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Q. Can this grant be used for professional development seminars?

A. No, it can only be used for Purdue, West Lafayette courses.

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Q. How many grants are given each year?

A. Approximately 40+ dependent grants and 25+ employee grants are awarded each year.

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Q. What do I need to submit with my application for an employee grant?

A. A goal statement and a letter of recommendation are required with the employee application. You can find samples on the CSSAC website.

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Q. Who does my letter of recommendation have to come from?

A. A letter of recommendation must come from the following: Supervisor, Director, Dept. Head, Dean, Past Professor, or Teacher/Instructor.

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Q. How long does an employee have to work at the university to be eligible for the employee grant?

A. The applicant must be employed as a regular, full-time clerical or service employee for at least one continuous year prior to application.

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Q. How many credit hours must an employee take to qualify for eligibility?

A. An employee must be registered for 3 credit hours.

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Q. Do I need to send transcripts with the application?

A. No transcripts are needed for this process.

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Q. Registration begins after the application process. Can I still apply for the grant?

A. Yes. CSSAC will verify with the Bursar’s office whether or not an applicant has applied and been accepted to Purdue.

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Q. What must my goal statement contain?

A. A goal statement must state past goals met and future goals both professional and educational. A sample statement can be found on the CSSAC website.

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Q. Can an employee attend graduate school and still apply for the grant?

A. This grant is for employee taking undergraduate or graduate courses.

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Q. What happens in the event that a recipient fails to register, drops out of school or changes from full-time to a part-time employee?

A. The award is forfeited by the recipient.

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