Social Contexts and Policy for Optimal Aging; Preserving Cognitive Function
PhD The University of Texas at Austin 2008
Research Interests
Population health and mortality, family and marriage, bio-demography of aging and the life course, social relationships, LGBTQ+ population, gender and race-ethnicity, demography of sexuality, quantitative methodology
2023 - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - National Institutes of Health
2019 - National Institute on Aging (2)
Selected Publications
Choi, Seung-won, Zhenmei Zhang, Hui Liu. Accepted. Gender Differences in the Protective Role of Grandparenting in Dementia Risk. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences
Liu, Hui, William J. Chopik, M Rosie Shrout, and Juwen Wang. 2024. "A National Longitudinal Dyadic Analysis of Spousal Education and Cognitive Decline in the United States. " Social Science & Medicine. 343: 116603.
Liu, Hui and Ning Hsieh. 2023. "Marital Status and Happiness During the COVID-19 Pandemic. " Journal of Marriage and Family. 86: 473-493.
Lai, Wenhua, Ning Hsieh, and Hui Liu. 2023. "Midlife Satisfaction Disparities by Sexual Orientation: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study. " Journal of Bisexuality. 24(1): 90-110.
Liu, Hui, Molly Copeland, Gerald Roman Nowak III, William Chopik, and Jeewon Oh. 2023. "Marital Status Differences in Loneliness among Older Americans during the COVID-19 Pandemic. " Population Research and Policy Review. 42(5): 1-25.
Shen, Shannon and Hui Liu. 2023. "Is Sex Good for Your Brain? A National Longitudinal Study on Sexuality and Cognitive Function among Older Adults in the United States. " The Journal of Sex Research 60(9): 1345-1355.
Lin, Zhiyong and Hui Liu. 2023. "Race/Ethnicity, Nativity, and Gender Disparities in Unmet Care Needs among Older Adults in the United States. " The Gerontologist. (Online ahead of print)
Liu, Hui, Gerald Roman Nowak III, Juwen Wang and Zhehui Luo. 2023. "A National Study of Marital Status Differences in Early Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccine among Older Americans. " Geriatrics 8(4): 69.
Copeland, Molly, Gerald R. Nowak III, and Hui Liu. 2023. "Social Participation and Self-Reported Depression during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Older Adults. " Aging & Mental Health 27(8): 1559-1566.
Wong, Jaclyn, Selena Zhong, and Hui Liu. 2023. "Relationship Quality Change Among Partnered Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic. " Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 78(2): 352-358.
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