Social Contexts and Policy for Optimal Aging
PhD University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Sociology 2012
Research Interests
statistics, medical sociology, stratification and inequality
Teaching Interests
statistics, medical sociology
2022 - National Institute on Aging
2020 - Purdue Center on Aging and the Life Course
Selected Publications
Wolfe, Joseph D., Mieke Beth Thomeer, and Shawn Bauldry. accept. Twentieth Century Changes in the Educational Costs of Adolescent Childbearing. American Journal of Sociology
Suitor, J. Jill, Megan Gilligan, Robert Frase, Destiny Ogle, Catherine Stepniak, and Shawn Bauldry. 2024. How Gender Shapes Sibling Tension in Adulthood Following Parental Death. Journal of Marriage and Family. DOI:
Stryker, Robin, Bethany Anne Conway, Shawn Bauldry, and Vasundhara Kaul. 2024. Emotional Markers of Disrespect: A Fourth Dimension of Perceived Incivility? Communication Research. DOI:
Ferraro, Kenneth F., Shawn Bauldry, Madison R. Sauerteig-Rolston, Patricia A. Thomas. 2023. Dual Functionality in Later Life. The Gerontologist 63:1110-1116. DOI:
Bauldry, Shawn, Patricia A. Thomas, Madison R. Sauerteig-Rolston, and Kenneth F. Ferraro. 2023. Racial-ethnic Disparities in Dual-function Life Expectancy. Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences 78:1269-1275. DOI:
Frase, Robert, Shawn Bauldry, J. Jill Suitor, and Megan Gilligan. 2023. Adult Children's Education and Mothers' Psychological Well-Being: Do Adult Children's Problems Mediate this Relationship? Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences 78:496-505. DOI:
Wang, Haowei, Emily Smith-Greenaway, Shawn Bauldry, Rachel Margolis, and Ashton Verdery. 2022. Mourning a Pandemic: The Differential Impact of COVID-19 Widowhood on Mental Health. Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences 77:2306-2316. DOI:
Bauldry, Shawn and Kevin Stainback. 2022. Media Consumption and Psychological Distress Among Older Adults. PLOS One 17(12):e0279587. DOI:
Cockerham, William C., Shawn Bauldry, and Mario Sims. 2022. Obesity-Related Health Lifestyles of Late-Middle Age Black Americans: The Jackson Heart Study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 63:S47-S55. DOI:
Stryker, Robin, Bethany Anne Conway, Shawn Bauldry, and Vasundhara Kaul. 2022. Replication Note: What is Political Incivility? Human Communication Research 48:168-177. DOI:
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