PhD Northwestern University Communication Sciences and Disorders, General 2005
Research Interests
Laryngeal physiology; voice across the lifespan; vocal endurance
Teaching Interests
Voice disorders, anatomy and physiology
2022 - National Institutes of Health
2020 - National Institutes of Health (2)
Selected Publications
Duan, C., Anderson, JL., Schepers, LE., Damen, FW., Cox, A., Goergen, C. & Sivasankar, MP. (2024). In vivo visualization and quantification of rat laryngeal blood supply after hydration challenge. The Laryngoscope, 134, 2, 779-785.
Fujiki, R., Sanders, PW., Anthony, B., Parker, N., Sivasankar, MP. & Halum SL. (2024). Can resident auditory-perceptual voice assessments predict medical urgency of voice disorders? Journal of Voice, 38, 1, 181-188.
Bailey, T., do Nascimento, NC., dos Santos, AP., Cox, A. & Sivasankar, MP. (2023). Impact of rehydration following systemic dehydration on vocal fold gene expression. The Laryngoscope, 133, 12, 3499-3505.
Bailey, T., do Nascimento, NC., dos Santos, AP., Sivasankar, MP. & Cox, A. (2023). Comparative proteomic changes in rabbit vocal folds undergoing systemic dehydration and systemic rehydration. Journal of Proteomics,270:104734. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2022.104734.
Venkatraman, A., Fujiki, RB. & Sivasankar, MP. (2023). A Review of Factors Associated with Voice Problems in the Fitness Instructor Population. Journal of Voice, 37, 5, E13-E17.
Duan, C., Jimenez, JM., Goergen, C., Cox, A., Sivasankar, MP. & Calve, S. (2023). Hydration state and hyaluronidase treatment significantly affect porcine vocal fold biomechanics. Journal of Voice, 37, 3, 348-354.
do Nascimento, NC., Bailey, T., dos Santos, AP., Duan, C., Mohallem, R., Franco, J., Aryal, UK., Xie, J., Cox, A. & Sivasankar, MP. (2022). Proteomic analysis reveals that aging rabbit vocal folds are more vulnerable to changes caused by systemic dehydration. BMC Genomics, 23(1):762. doi: 10.1186/s12864-022-08975.
Venkatraman, A., Hawkins, J., McCain, R., Duan, C., Cannes do Nascimento, N., Cox, AD. & Sivasankar, MP. (2022). The role of systemic dehydration in vocal fold healing: Preliminary findings. Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology, 7, 6, 1936-1942.
Fujiki, RB., Huber, JE. & Sivasankar, MP. (2022). The effects of vocal exertion on lung volume measurements and acoustics in speakers reporting high and low vocal fatigue. PLoS One, 17(5):e0268324. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268324.
Cannes do Nascimento, N., Pires dos Santos, A., Mohallem, R., Aryal, U., Xie, J., Cox, A., Sivasankar, MP. (2022). Furosemide-induced systemic dehydration alters the proteome of rabbit vocal folds. Journal of Proteomics, 252, 104431.
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