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Obesity and Cancer Call for Proposals

January 15, 2013
All Day



In the past decade, substantial evidence supports a relationship between obesity and increased
risk of a variety of cancers. NCI recently identified ‘How does obesity contribute to cancer risk?’
as one of the provocative questions developed to ‘inspire interested scientists to conceive new
approaches or feasible solutions….in key areas of cancer research that are deemed important
but have not received sufficient attention.” Funding from the Walther Foundation through a
partnership between the Purdue Center for Cancer Research and the Women’s Global Health
Institute is available for pilot funding of innovative projects to stimulate collaborations in this
important research area. The project can be focused on any cancer and are not restricted to
women’s cancers.

Proposals should be focusing on how obesity contributes to cancer risk and interdisciplinary in
nature. The goal of this program is to build the foundation and stimulate interests for larger
proposals to external funding agencies. Applications to this program are expected to have a
maximum requested amount of $10,000 for one calendar year. Renewals for one year may be

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