Symbols and Diagrams for Motors introduces different diagrams used to represent motor circuits and symbols that circuit diagrams commonly contain. Pictorial diagrams are the simplest and use illustrated pictures to represent circuit components. Schematic diagrams and line diagrams use symbols to represent components. Wiring diagrams also use symbols, but they are more detailed than the other types of diagrams. Most motor control devices are represented on a schematic diagram. Being able to interpret motor diagrams is extremely important when working with motor controls because they show how circuits are constructed and how components are connected. Users will also rely on their knowledge of diagrams and symbols when learning about more advanced motor topics and applications.
Other Courses in this Program:
Relays, Contactors, and Motor Starters 201920100 Control Devices 211
920110 Distribution Systems 221
920120 Limit Switches and Proximity Sensors 231
920130 Introduction to Electric Motors 301
920200 Logic and Line Diagrams 312
920220 DC Motor Applications 321
920230 AC Motor Applications 322
920250 Timers and Counters 340
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