Introduction to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence covers advances in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) enabled by machine learning. Machine learning uses complex algorithms that enable computing devices to learn from input data and produce outputs without traditional programming. Basic types of machine learning include supervised machine learning, unsupervised machine learning, and reinforcement machine learning. Machine learning AI has a growing range of potential uses in various industries, including manufacturing. Manufacturers transitioning to Industry 4.0 should develop a basic understanding of how machine learning applications can benefit a variety of manufacturing processes. After taking this course, users will understand how data is used in algorithms that enable the three types of machine learning and gain insight into how machine learning AI capabilities may benefit their own manufacturing tasks and operations.
Other Courses in this Program:
Cybersecurity for Manufacturing Basics 101720010 Cybersecurity for Manufacturing: Malware Overview 102
720015 Introduction to the Industrial Internet of Things 111
720020 Data Collection Fundamentals 121
720030 Automatic Identification Technology 141
720040 Cybersecurity for Manufacturing: Hacking Overview 201
720100 Cybersecurity for Manufacturing: Wireless Networks 202
720105 Introduction to Digital Networks 221
720110 Introduction to Digital Twin 241
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