Coordinates for the CNC Mill provides an overview of the coordinates used to program cutting operations on CNC mills or machining centers. It introduces the systems of both Cartesian and polar coordinates and explains the Cartesian axes for vertical and horizontal CNC mills. The class describes how coordinates are used on blueprints and applied as machine movements. This includes concepts such as incremental vs. absolute coordinates, linear and circular interpolation, machine zero, and program zero. Coordinates and axis movements are at the core of operations for a CNC machine. A foundational knowledge of these topics is necessary to understand how and why parts can be successfully made on the CNC mill or machining center.
Other Courses in this Program:
Introduction to CNC Machines 201340110 Basics of the CNC Lathe 211
340120 Basics of the CNC Mill 212
340125 Introduction to Multi-Axis CNC Machines 217
340127 CNC Specs for the Mill 220
300220 Coordinates for the CNC Lathe 221
340130 CNC Specs for the Lathe 225
300225 Basics of G Code Programming 231
340140 Introduction to CAD and CAM for Machining 241
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