Laser Cutting Overview 261 introduces the types of lasers used for laser cutting. This class describes the properties of cutting lasers, optical components used with lasers, and the major lasing mediums used in industrial cutting applications. These mediums include gases, solids, fibers, and semiconductors. The power and consistency of most of these lasers can be controlled through various methods of pumping and laser pulsing. Effective laser cutting requires an awareness of how laser components and properties influence laser behavior. After completing this course, users will understand basic laser optics and laser components. They will also be able to distinguish between common lasing mediums and to identify ways to manipulate beams through pulsing and pumping.
Other Courses in this Program:
Intro to EDM 100600100 Safety for Metal Cutting 101
260020 Cutting Processes 111
260010 Overview of Machine Tools 121
260030 Intro to Screw Machining 160
200160 Basic Cutting Theory 201
260110 Band Saw Operation 211
260120 Introduction to Metal Cutting Fluids 221
260130 Holemaking Overview 271
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