Introduction to GD&T 301

ToolingU Inspection 10-pack

Introduction to GD&T provides a basic introduction to the symbols and terminology of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, or GD&T. GD&T is an international design standard that uses 14 standard geometric tolerances to control the shape of features. GD&T emphasizes the fit, form, and function of a part by comparing the physical features of the part to the theoretical datums specified in the design instructions. Every part feature is described by a series of symbols organized in the feature control frame. Because GD&T's tolerance zones more accurately follow the shape of a feature, emphasizing the relationship between features, blueprints commonly utilize GD&T to describe parts. To fully understand a blueprint, it is necessary to know the GD&T symbols and their meaning. After taking this class, users will better understand the symbols commonly used in a GD&T print.

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