Geometry: Circles and Polygons covers the specifics of geometry involving circles and polygons with any number of sides. The class includes a discussion on the internal angles of a circle as well as the method to calculate the circumference and area of a circle. Additionally, this class covers the calculation of missing angles in any polygon Circles and polygons, along with triangles, are the basic building blocks of any geometric figure. Knowledge of the calculations and uses of circles and polygons can prove useful when working with prints in any number of manufacturing capacities.
Other Courses in this Program:
Math Fundamentals 101120010 Math: Fractions and Decimals 111
120015 Units of Measurement 112
120020 Algebra Fundamentals 141
120050 Geometry: Lines and Angles 151
120060 Geometry: Triangles 161
120063 Trigonometry: The Pythagorean Theorem 201
120070 Trigonometry: Sine, Cosine, Tangent 211
120073 Statistics 231
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