Surface Grinder Operation 251

Provided by: Tooling U - SME

The class Surface Grinder Operation provides step-by-step guidelines on how to grind a rectangular workpiece. Grinding each side of a workpiece requires wheel dressing and other preparatory steps, and then roughing and finishing passes. Workpiece sides are numbered from 1 to 6 in order to track which sides must be ground perpendicular or parallel to one another. Some workpieces require special considerations, such as mounting on an angle plate or grinding at an angle. In order to perform successful surface grinding operations, operators must have a solid foundational knowledge of proper grinding methods. This class provides the practical steps and considerations for surface grinding a part from start to finish, which gives operators an understanding of grinding before ever turning on the machine. This will speed up the time it takes for new operators to learn surface grinding, and reduce user errors.

Course ID


Skill Focus



Tooling U - SME

Employee Type

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