Innovative Learning
We partner with the Purdue Innovative Learning team to pursue our innovation agenda. These partnerships are central to the success of our work, and in particular our partners offer:
- The Center for Instructional Excellence: the CIE team advances and promotes transformative evidence-based instruction for academic success at Purdue, and they hold massive experience and expertise in pedagogy as well as faculty/staff professional development.
- Purdue Libraries and the School of Information Studies: the Libraries lead in research, teaching, and learning, and create and provide equitable access to diverse resources, outstanding services, and innovative spaces, for Purdue’s local, national, and international communities. In addition to providing physical space, Libraries faculty and staff deliver intellectual leadership at the interface of teaching/learning and information science.
- Purdue Online: Purdue Online’s Instructional Technology group provides technology support for all dimensions of instruction to Purdue faculty, staff, and students.
- The Envision Center: the Envision Center delivers novel solutions to effectively communicate complex research concepts. Computer graphics, advanced visualization, auditory (sound), haptic (touch), and multimodal interaction integrate with state-of-the-art high performance computation to assist researchers, instructors, and leaders in their quest for new knowledge and innovative products.