NACADA Region 5 Call for Proposals – Due January 2nd


Proposals for presentation at NACADA Region 5 conference in Indianapolis April 8-10 are due by January 2nd, 2015. 

Let’s plan on a strong Purdue showing and all do our part to further advance the profession of advising through research and the sharing of knowledge.  We all have something unique to offer so let’s take this step and submit our experiences, best practices, and passions for consideration.

Here is a direct link to the ‘Call for Proposals’ page . The PACADA Research Committee is available for consultation as well.  Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Here is a link to a tutorial for successful proposal writing for NACADA – while this is for the ‘national conference’ these are excellent best practices to follow for Regionals

Here is the gateway to information about the Indy conference generally

Please keep in mind that Sandy Monroe’s Office will be coordinating transportation to the event.  In addition, there are many grant opportunities available to defray the costs of attending – for example PACADA and APSAC.  Finally, check with your individual colleges to see if they have any grants, professional development funds, or offer monetary support for those chosen to present.