Portulaca oleracea – Famine Foods

Portulaca oleracea


India (Bombay Presidency): leaves eaten; (Deccan): shoots eaten. (Madras Presidency): leaves and tender shoots are cooked and eaten as greens. (Rajasthan, western : leaves eaten; plant used as vegetable; (Garwhal Himalayas): leaves boiled and eaten as vegetable. Soil type favored by plant: saline. Australia (Musgrave Region): seeds eaten. Australia (central) : seeds ground into flour in hand quern. A coarse paste is made from it, which is reportedly antiscorbutic. The entire plant is also eaten raw, or baked in ashes. Chad (central): leaves eaten. Ethiopia (Wollo Province): leaves boiled in water and eaten as vegetable or as a sauce. Seeds also reported eaten.

Additional Information

Name Authority:
(India) - Bombay Presidency: Ahmednagar and Nasik districts: Ghol. Ahmednagar district, Sangamner: Gholu. Satara district: Ghola. Bijapur district, Badami: Goli. Rajasthan (western): Jangli kulfa, Kulfa. [Schultes and von Reis give Kulfo.] Tamil: Paroopoo, Corie keeray. Telugu: Peddapail kura, Ganga pavilli kura. Chad (central) - Arabic: Lisan el bagara. Australia (Cloncurry River): Thukouro. English: Purslane. Ethiopia: Antaria
Chemical composition: seeds are reported above-average for angiosperms for the amino acids Glycine and Tyrosine. Soil type favored by plant: saline.

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This site is provided to Mr. Freedman by Dr. Jules Janick, Emeritus Professor and Former James Troop Distinguished Professor of Horticulture. The content on this site is provided and maintained by Mr. Freedman.