Oxalis corniculata – Famine Foods

Oxalis corniculata


India (Bombay Presidency; Rajasthan, western); leaves boiled and eaten; (Madras Presidency): leaves and tender shoots eaten as greens. (Deccan): seeds eaten; (Garhwal Himalayas): leaves acrid to taste and made into chutney. Madhya Pradesh: the Gond and Sahariya tribes eat the leaves. China: shoots and leaves eaten. Leaves contain oxalic acid, which is injurious, if eaten in large quantities.

Additional Information

Name Authority:
Bombay Presidency: Ambusi. Rajasthan (western): Khati buti, Amrul. Madhya Pradesh: Khati buti. Tamil: Pooliaray. Telugu: Pullachinta. English: Lady's Sorrel.
Leaves contain oxalic acid, which is injurious, if eaten in large quantities. Chemical composition: see Jain & Tiwari.

Location Map

This site is provided to Mr. Freedman by Dr. Jules Janick, Emeritus Professor and Former James Troop Distinguished Professor of Horticulture. The content on this site is provided and maintained by Mr. Freedman.