Moringa oleifera – Famine Foods

Moringa oleifera


India (Rajasthan, western): flowers, leaves, leaf buds and long fruit (‘drum sticks’) eaten as vegetable. Sudan: small leaflets are stripped from the leaf stalks and eaten raw in salads. Young pods eaten like green beans and the flowers and leaves are eaten as vegetables. The green or dried leaves eaten as salad mixed with groundnuts, or cooked as a stew and served with porridge or Kisra (a thin, flat bread). Nigeria (Kano State, northern): leaves, roots, young pods, seed oil eaten. Niger (Balayera. Zinder). Leaves used primarily as a condiment and in soups. Contains high amounts of calcium and βcarotenoids. Protein content = 22.9%. Niger leaf sample indicates  protein content =17.1%  For comprehensive data on nutrient values, see FREIBERGER.

Additional Information

Name Authority:
Rajasthan: Sainjan, Sanjna. Madhya Pradesh (Hindi dialect): Sehjana. Sudan (Arabic): Rawag. English: Drumstick Tree. Hausa: Zogale. Kanuri: Alinga zogola, gandi
Chemical composition (after Abdelmuti): Protein (crude) = 15.6% (dry). Fat = 10.1% (dry). Fibre (crude) = 5.1% (dry). Ash = 11.5% (dry). Carbohydrate (soluble): Starch = 5.1% (dry). Sucrose = 5.5% (dry). D-glucose = 1.3% (dry). F-fructose = 1.5% (dry). Amino acids (g [16g N]-1): Aspartic acid = 10.4g. Threonine = 5.3g. Serine = 4.7g. Glutamic acid = 13.3g. Proline = 4.4g. Glycine = 6.4g. Alanine = 7.3g. Valine = 6.8g. Cysteine = 0.8g. Methionine = 1.8g. Isoleucine = 5.6g. Leucine = 10.9g. Tyrosine = 4.7g. Phenylalanine = 6.6g. Lysine = 6.1g. Histidine = 2.4g. Arginine = 6.6g. Minerals: Sulphur = 0.23% (dry). Postassium = 0.14% (dry). Magnesium = 0.69% (dry). Calcium = 3.18% (dry). Na = 0.16% (dry). K =0.91% (dry). Zinc = 15mg/kg-1 (dry). Iron = 854mg/kg -1 (dry). Manganese = 79mg/kg-1 (dry). Copper = 5mg/kg-1 (dry). Leaves rich in Vitamins A and C. See also Jain & Tiwari

Location Map

This site is provided to Mr. Freedman by Dr. Jules Janick, Emeritus Professor and Former James Troop Distinguished Professor of Horticulture. The content on this site is provided and maintained by Mr. Freedman.