Cyanotis axilaris – Famine Foods

Cyanotis axilaris


India (Bombay Presidency): plants are pulled from the ground and threshed to separate the husk from the seeds. The seeds are ground twice to obtain flour which is then made into bread. Boiled seeds (kanja), partially ground is sweet to taste when mixed with jowari flour. The seed flour is also prepared into bhadku, a mixture of the flour and salt. It grows with grass at the commencement of the monsoon, and is ripe in the month of November; (Deccan): seeds eaten.

Additional Information

Name Authority:
Roem. & Sch.; D.Don.
Ahmednagar and Nasik districts, Bombay Presidency: Vichaka. Wagra, Broach district, Bombay Presidency: Narido. Ahmedabad district, Bombay Presidency: Damro. Western Rajasthan: Soltra
Soil types favored by plant: light múrúm soil and on lands lying fallow for a considerable time.

 Plant Classification Group:
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 Plant References:

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This site is provided to Mr. Freedman by Dr. Jules Janick, Emeritus Professor and Former James Troop Distinguished Professor of Horticulture. The content on this site is provided and maintained by Mr. Freedman.