NOTE: We have recently changed from three midterm exams per semester to two midterm exams. Therefore, the coverage of class content in the past mid-term examinations (many of which are on Weekly Joys ) will be different from the coverage of content in each exam this semester. See which topics are covered for each exam for this semester before reviewing past exams. |
- Exam details
- Time/date: Wednesday 2/12, 8 - 9 pm
- Locations:
- 8:30 (Sotelo): CL50 224
- 10:30 (Gibert): LILY 1105
- 11:30 (Wagner, Last Name: A-K): UC 114
- 11:30 (Wagner, Last Name: L-Z): CL50 224
- 1:30 (Krousgrill): UC 114
- 2:30 (Ramachandran): CL50 224
- 3:30 (Krousgrill): LILY 1105
- Material coverage: Lectures 1-10 (up through and including planar rigid body kinematics)
- ME-approved calculators allowed.
- Equation Sheet
- Sample exams: see Weekly Joys. (Please note that Weekly Joys is run by ME undergraduate students, not by ME faculty.)
- Exam 1 review session: Sunday 2/9 1:30 pm
- Sample exam problems for the exam review session
- Video recording of Sunday's review session
- Passcode: 8p%j%$3U
- Pi Tau Sigma review session: Monday, 2/10, 6:00-7:00 pm, MSEE B012
- Exam 1 stats:
- Exam 1 solution
- Exam details
- Time/date: TBD
- Locations:
- Material coverage: TBD
- ME-approved calculators allowed.
- Equation Sheet
- Sample exams: see Weekly Joys. (Please note that Weekly Joys is run by ME undergraduate students, not by ME faculty.)
- Exam 2 review session:
- Exam 2 stats:
- Exam 2 solution
- Exam details
- Time/date: TBD
- Locations:
- Material coverage: TBD
- ME-approved calculators allowed.
- Equation Sheet
- Sample exams: see Weekly Joys. (Please note that Weekly Joys is run by ME undergraduate students, not by ME faculty.)
- Final exam review session:
- Final exam stats:
- Final exam solution