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As a scientist and teacher I want to instill in students an informed appreciation of the natural world in which we live and of which we are part. I endeavor to produce scientifically literate citizens capable of thinking critically about a wide range of ideas.
My research interests span the fields of forest ecophysiology, biogeochemistry, ecosystem modeling, remote sensing, and climate change in ecosystems spanning a range of human influence.
These are the current Undergraduate, Graduate, and Post Doc students who work with me during my research. They vary in majors and years, but all are very helpful and essential to completing research.
Dr. Brady Hardiman

I am a terrestrial ecologist and biogeochemist interested in ecosystem responses to anthropogenic modification including disturbance, management, and land-use change associated with urbanization. My research combines field observations and large-scale ecosystem experiments with remote sensing and ecosystem modeling. I employ this suite of tools to investigate relationships between ecosystem structure and function across a gradient of natural to highly-engineered environments within a global change context".
Email: hardimanb@purdue.edu
Phone: 765.494.3593
Fax: 765.494.9461
Office: PFEN Room 221A
715 W. State Street
West Lafayette, In 47907
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