Winter Weather Preparedness Week 2021 is Nov. 7–13

Source: Indiana Department of Homeland Security

Winter Weather Preparedness

The Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS), state partners and emergency personnel work to protect Hoosiers whenever hazardous weather happens across Indiana. Knowing where to find travel information and preparing ahead of time for winter weather is important so all Hoosiers can reduce their risk to harm.

County Travel Status Map

On Feb. 14–16, 2021, between 6 and 12 inches of snow and strong winds created dangerous travel conditions and prompted most counties across Indiana to issue local travel advisories. These advisories were shared on news outlets and also shown on the IDHS statewide county travel status map. Many state agencies, private sector partners and non-governmental organizations rely on the map to make safe decisions during winter weather conditions. Counties decide whether to issue travel advisories, watches or warnings, and the map updates in real time when a county emergency management agency reports its county’s updated travel status to the state. Be sure to check the map during the winter, and follow the winter travel safety tips below.

Not Just Snow and Ice

Cold temperatures, snow and freezing rain are common throughout Indiana from November through March each year. But Hoosiers should be prepared for other weather hazards during the wintertime too. Tornadoes can occur at any time of the year, as outbreaks in December 2015 and November 2013 showed. Sometimes temperatures are warm enough that winter storm precipitation remains rain. In February 2018, record rainfall between 5 and 9 inches created widespread flooding, with numerous rivers reaching major flood levels and several setting new records. Review tornado and flooding safety tips, and be prepared for whatever nature throws at us over the next few months!

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