Roots of the Soil: Strategies and Resources for Succession Planning

Webinar presented August 26, 2020

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This webinar focused on basic strategies and first steps for succession. Succession planning begins with conversations; communication in the succession process is crucial to its success. Presenters will discuss the importance of open communication, aligning goals, documenting the plan, and collaborating with stakeholders. Resources to aid in the succession process as well as steps to take along the way will also be discussed.

Our presenters:.

Maria Marshall conducts an applied research, teaching, and Extension program in small and family business management, food marketing, and entrepreneurship. Dr. Marshall is the Director of the Purdue Institute for Family Business (PIFB). Her research focuses on small business development and family business management. Her small and family business research is focused on areas such as the resource exchange between the household and the business, family business management, and marketing. She is particularly focused on the resource exchange between household and business when each system experiences a normative and non-normative shock. Dr. Marshall’s outreach and teaching programs seek to increase economic development through entrepreneurship.

Renee Wiatt serves as the Family Business Management Specialist for the Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University, namely for the Purdue Institute for Family Business (PIFB). She works on extension and applied research in family business management and collaborates with partners such as centers focused on agriculture and families, Extension teams focused on agriculture and farm management, and researchers to develop funded programming focused on family business management. She is a team member of the Purdue Succession Planning Team and serves as the department representative for the Purdue Cooperative Extension Specialists’ Association (PUCESA).

*This is the second webinar in a series designed to explore farm succession planning with a special emphasis on the needs of socially disadvantaged farm families.  Future programs will explore other resources that farm families can use to help develop a plan for successfully passing their farm business to future generations. These succession webinars, though geared toward help for and understanding of the particular problems faced by black farmers, are for everyone interested in knowing more about succession planning.

This webinar is sponsored by the Legacy Innovation Farming Economics (LIFE) Project, a partnership of Peoples Foundation, Legacy Farming and Health Group, and the National AgrAbility Project.  The LIFE Project is sponsored by the USDA Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program.  The Purdue Institute for Family Business is partnering with the LIFE project on this educational project.

The National AgrAbility Project is supported by USDA/NIFA Special Project 2016-41590-25880. This webinar also supported by USDA award number A0192501X443G013.

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