
Nexus Institute News

Purdue-UNSA ‘Food Safety’ TEAM completes productive stage in research

September 30, 2021

The “Developing good agricultural and manufacturing practices” project recently completed two weeks of productive fieldwork evaluating the microbiological quality of Arequipa’s irrigation water and testing for pesticide residues. 

Purdue Post-Doctoral Researcher Silvia J R Vargas visited UNSA laboratories to start the project stage related to the determination of pesticide residues in irrigation waters and continue evaluation of their microbiological quality. An irrigation water sampling protocol was established, with training administered to UNSA staff, Mg. Erika Pachari and Mg. Yemina Díaz. 45 samples were obtained from 15 collection points in the Cayma, Tiabaya, and Majes districts of Arequipa.  

The samples were processed by the UNSA team, Mg. Mariel Alvarez, Mg. María del Carmen Valdez, and students Gustavo Estrella, Hans Poma and Antony Vásquez, and analyzed for microbiological quality. 

The team performed in-situ and in-lab physicochemical analysis to determine the most relevant physicochemical parameters and pretreatment of the samples using the solid phase extraction technique to obtain extracts that will be analyzed in Purdue University laboratories to determine the presence of pesticide residues. This will establish the possible correlation of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables grown in the region that use these irrigation waters. 

Contact Details


Lori Hoagland

Lori Hoagland
Professor, Purdue University
Horticulture And Landscape Architecture
Nexus Institute Co-Director

Walter Daniel Leon-Salas

Walter Daniel Leon-Salas
Associate Professor, Purdue University
Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Nexus Institute Co-Director

Dennis Macedo

Dennis Macedo
Associate Professor, UNSA
Nexus Institute Co-Director

Purdue University