ReNEWW House

  • ReNEWW stands for Retrofit Net-zero: Energy, Water, and Waste. The house helps researchers develop the next generation of high performance home.

  • Ultra-high efficiency appliances that increase core performance while lowering their impact on the environment and cost to operate are one research focus.

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  • Whirlpool Corporation, along with Purdue University, transformed an existing home near Purdue’s campus into a world-class research laboratory and sustainable living showcase called the ReNEWW house.

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Biowall In the ReNEWW House




  • Purdue researchers installed the Biowall in the ReNEWW house to monitor the performance of the biofilter, the health of the plants present and comfort of residents.
  • The installation, finished during the summer of 2016, was successful.  Testing is underway to evaluate the Biowall aesthetics and impact on IAQ.
  • To minimize the resident maintenance of the Biowall and assist with ongoing research, a web-based building automation system controls the watering, lights and fan operation.

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