Purdue University Identification: Suspense Processing
Purdue Person - Suspended Records Count
The Suspended Records Count page shows a list of relationships the operator is set up to work with, and the count of suspended updates for each. Each count is a link to take you to the next page, a list of suspended updates for that relationship.
Purdue Person - Process Suspended Records
The Process Suspended Records list is arranged first in date sequence, from oldest
to newest, and then alphabetically by the person's name. Right now, the list
shows name, system ID, gender, date of birth, and the reason the record was placed
in suspense. The data shown may be improved as we gain experience in processing
suspended updates.
Clicking on any name in the suspense list will re-do the match to existing records
in the PUID system, and display the
resulting matches. If updates have been made in
PUID since the automatic update, the match list may vary from the reason shown.
Each entry in the match list has a link to display more
suspense details for that
particular match.
The Suspense Matches page has update
links to handle situations where the suspended record is not a
person already on the PUID database.
The Suspense Details page has update
links to handle situations where the suspended record is a person already in the
PUID database, letting you add relationships to a person, or update existing