Purdue PUID: FAQ
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What is PUID?
The Purdue University Identifier (PUID) number is a ten-digit identification number, formatted as 00000-00000 and assigned to each person based on his or her unique relationship with the University. The ability to determine whether the person is or has been a student or an employee is important, especially when information about that person needs to be shared across systems. A person's PUID identifies the person to Purdue University's computer-based, service-provider application programs and allows that individual to access University information or services.
PUIDs are represented in printed form as 00000-00000 (which further helps to distinguish a PUID from a nine digit Social Security Number). The PUID format will allow assignment of 100 million unique identifiers. The last of the ten digits of the PUID is a check digit that can be used to detect when the PUID (including the check digit) has been typed or transcribed incorrectly.
How is a PUID assigned?
The most common relationships that cause PUID assignment are that of a student, faculty member, or staff member of the University. Information about new employees or new students is send along to the PUID assignment application.
If a person is a new record (i.e., one to which a PUID has not yet been assigned), then the system assigns a PUID number. If the person looks like someone to whom a PUID has already been assigned, that record is not assigned a PUID and is instead held in "suspense" for a more detailed review. Records held in "suspense" require a staff member in a central office to undertake a review to determine whether that person is the same as another person with a PUID or whether that person is a new record that will require the assignment of a PUID.
Once a PUID is assigned, other electronic services begin the process of assigning the person a Purdue Career Account and ensuring access to University information and services appropriate to the person's affiliation with the University.
What are the ranges of a PUID?
There are various defined ranges within the PUID structure. From the design of the PUID, it is clear that there are 2,000,000,000 (two billion possible PUIDs ranging from -99999-99999 up to 99999-99999. Nothing in the design of Purdue's Infrastructure for Identification, Authentication, and Authorization (I2A2) infrastructure precludes the use of negative PUIDs (although it is not anticipated that negative PUIDs would be used within the University community to identify patrons).
PUIDs are assigned for various purposes as follows:
- 99999-99999 to 00000-00018
This is the set of all negative PUIDs. This is reserved for internal use by the I2A2 system (size= 1,000,000,000 abbreviation=NEG) - 00000-00000 to 00000-00992
This set of PUIDs is for internal use and testing by I2A2 staff. (size=100 abbreviation=INT) - 00000-01006 to 00000-99994
This set of PUIDs is to assign temporary test PUIDs to I2A2 users. (size=9,900 abbreviation=TEST) - 00001-00004 to 00009-99995
This set of PUIDs will be used for conference attendees. This is a special block of numbers that will be reused as needed. (size=90,000 abbreviation=CONF) - 00010-00003 to 00099-99996
This set of PUIDs is reserved for future use. (size=?? abbreviation=RESV) - 00050-00002 to 00099-99996
This set of PUIDs is reserved for entity, or non-person, use. (size=?? abbreviation=PROD-NON-PERSON) - 00100-000002 to 99999-99999
This set of PUIDs is used in the production I2A2 systems. These numbers are available to be assigned to persons with a Purdue relationship. (size=999,000,000 abbreviation=PROD)
- 99999-99999 to 00000-00018
Why isn't my Social Security Number used as my PUID?
Purdue University is dedicated to ensuring the privacy and proper handling of Social Security Numbers of the students, employees, and other individuals associated with the University. While Social Security Numbers have been used in University systems in the past to uniquely identify students and employees and to permit students and employees to gain access their own confidential information within University systems, the University recognizes the need to replace its use of the Social Security Number with another identifier in order to help those people associated with the University to protect their privacy. The PUID was designed to take the place of current identification number keys such as Social Security Numbers. Using the PUID is superior to using a person's Social Security Number for such authorization and authentication because the PUID is an identifier internal only to Purdue University. The PUID makes no sense and has no value or validity outside of the University system.
Purdue University's Social Security Number Policy
Where is a PUID used?
The PUID is the primary identifier used in both the Human Resource and student systems. For students, the PUID is also being used on grade reports, class rosters, and computer grading sheets for quizzes and exams. For employees, the PUID is being used on vacation forms, benefits enrollment, and travel reimbursement forms.
The PUID number is also used in conjunction with the Purdue ID Card to determine an individual's eligibility for services such as use of the libraries, academic privileges, access to a computing career account, email privileges, building access, and more. Additional services and features that rely upon the PUID number as an identifier may be introduced in the future
What is I2A2?
I2A2 is a support system that helps Purdue data systems control resources. It enables them to identify who is asking for resources, prove the declared identity, and determine what access rights the identity has. Please see the I2A2 web site for additional information.
What is the difference between PUID and Purdue University's photo identification card?
While the names are sometimes used interchangeably, there is a difference between PUID (the number) and what is referred to as the PUID card (the photo identification card). While these two terms seem closely related (i.e., your PUID number appears on your Purdue University ID card), they are different.
The PUID number is your official University identification number. It could also be thought of as a student or staff identification number. Your PUID is your key to identifying yourself to University electronic systems and accessing University information and services.
The Purdue University ID Card is your official University photographic identification and as a student or employee you should carry it with you whenever you are on campus. The ID Card is your key to access various facilities and services on campus. Your PUID number is printed on your Purdue University ID Card and is contained on the magnetic stripe on your card. When your card is swiped, the information on the magnetic stripe links to your record on the ID Card System. The ID Card System verifies your eligibility for services as well as your academic or employment standing when status is required (for example, to receive a student or faculty/staff discount).
Please see the Purdue University ID Card Office page for more information.
Can I post grades with PUID?
No. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as well as Purdue Executive Memorandum C-51, prohibit the release of private student information. This includes the posting of grades by social security numbers, student identification numbers, or by names. FERPA specifically prohibits the posting of grades in personally identifiable forms, including the use of portions of social security or student ID numbers. Grades may not be posted using the PUID to identify individual students.
For more information, please see:
Is the PUID the same as my career account?
No, the PUID is not the same as a Career Account. All Purdue University faculty, staff, and students have a Purdue Career Account. Your Purdue Career Account can be used as long as you are a student or employee of Purdue University. Your Purdue Career Account gives you electronic access to a number of services at Purdue University.
Please visit the Purdue Career Accounts page for more information.
How do I find out what my PUID is?
The PUID is printed on the face of your Purdue University ID card
For new students, the PUID will be included in your admittance packets (along with information about setting up their career account online). The PUID will also be printed on the admissions response form (forms that students return to Purdue upon accepting admission).
New faculty and staff members will receive a letter containing their PUID shortly after they begin employment with Purdue University. Employees may also contact their business office if they require further assistance.
I am an alumnus, guest, conference attendee of the University. Do I have a PUID?
In some circumstances, conference attendees and guests may be assigned a temporary PUID which is used only for conference attendees and guests to access certain University services during the term of their conference. The privileges granted with this temporary PUID are limited to the specific needs of that conference, and are additionally limited by the term of the conference (the time that the privileges are granted). Because a certain number of PUIDs are reserved for conference use, PUID numbers in this range are reused.
Can I send PUID via E-Mail?
The PUID is considered sensitive data according to Purdue University's Data Handling Guidelines.
In some cases, PUID may be sent via email to accomplish the business objectives of University departments.
In addition, PUID and name information may be sent via email between Purdue University business units to accomplish the business objectives of University departments.
Under the Data Handling Guidelines for sensitive information, encryption is suggested, but not required, in these instances.
Can I send PUID on a CD in campus mail or store it on my computer?
The PUID is considered sensitive data according to Purdue University's Data Handling Guidelines. Due to the potential misuse of any public or private information, PUID will not be externally publicized in public directories (electronic or print), postings, and any other location where someone's PUID could be discovered.
In some cases, PUID may be sent via email to accomplish the business objectives of University departments. Encryption is suggested, but not required, in this instance.
PUID can be stored on CD, and can be sent via campus mail. However, encryption is suggested in this case. Hand-delivery is another option. If the CD is being sent to an external location using US mail or by carrier, the contents of the CD must be encrypted.
You may store PUID on your computer. For example, an instructor may download a course roster from SIS and store that on their computer.
Here are Purdue's data handling guidelines.
Should I protect my PUID?
Yes. It is suggested that you protect your PUID number in the same manner you would protect any other private information about yourself.