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Identity and Access Management

 * puidnetd.h -- definitions for PUID reflector net daemon protocol
 * V. Abell
 * Purdue University Computing Center

 * Copyright 1999 Purdue Research Foundation, West Lafayette, Indiana
 * 47907.  All rights reserved.
 * Written by V. Abell
 * This software is not subject to any license of the American Telephone
 * and Telegraph Company or the Regents of the University of California.
 * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on
 * any computer system, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject
 * to the following restrictions:
 * 1. Neither the authors nor Purdue University are responsible for any
 *    consequences of the use of this software.
 * 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by
 *    explicit claim or by omission.  Credit to the authors and Purdue
 *    University must appear in documentation and sources.
 * 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
 *    misrepresented as being the original software.
 * 4. This notice may not be removed or altered.

#if	!defined(PUIDNETD_H)
#define PUIDNETD_H	1

#include "../include/puid_types.h"

 * Net daemon PUIDs -- for use by clients to establish that the connected
 *		       server is the correct one

						/* X.509 object ID (OID) for
						 * PUID in I2A2 OID subtree */
#define PUIDNETD_PUID_OID_PACE	"2.16.840.1.113531."
						/* X.509 object ID (OID) for
						 * PUID in PACE OID subtree --
						 * this OID is obsolescent and
						 * is retained until all X.509
						 * certificates containing it
						 * have expired.  Use
						 * wherever possible. */
#define PUIDNETD_AUTHC_CSER	"E464D63CB3"	/* authcnetd's certificate
						 * serial number */
#define PUIDNETD_AUTHC_PUID	13203467	/* authcnetd's PUID */
#define PUIDNETD_AUTHZ_CSER	"E464D63B9A"	/* authznetd's certificate
						 * serial number */
#define PUIDNETD_AUTHZ_PUID	13203475	/* authznetd's PUID */
#define PUIDNETD_REFL_CSER	"E464D63A90"	/* reflnetd's certificate
						 * serial number */
#define PUIDNETD_REFL_PUID	13203483	/* reflnetd's PUID */

 * Net daemon host names

						/* authenticator */
						/* authorizer */
						/* reflector */

 * Net daemon host names for testing

						/* authenticator */
						/* authorizer */
						/* reflector */

 * Net daemon plain text service names and ports
 * Note: use getservbyname() on the service name before using the port number.

#define	PUIDNETD_SVC_AUTHC	"authc"		/* authenticator */
#define	PUIDNETD_SVC_AUTHZ	"authz"		/* authorizer */
#define	PUIDNETD_SVC_REFL	"refl"		/* reflector */

 * Net daemon SSL service names and ports
 * Note: use getservbyname() on the service name before using the port number.

#define	PUIDNETD_SVC_SSL_AUTHC	"authcs"	/* authenticator */
#define	PUIDNETD_SVC_SSL_AUTHZ	"authzs"	/* authorizer */
#define	PUIDNETD_SVC_SSL_REFL	"refls"		/* reflector */

 * Default public certificate directory for the default UNIX OpenSSL
 * installation

#define	PUIDNETD_PUB_CERTS	"/opt/openssl/certs"

 * Protocol commands:
 * A protocol command is the first character of the input string.  It may
 * be followed by an optional PUIDNETD_MSGTERM (terminator) character and
 * fields (see PUIDNETD_DATA_*).  The input string line must end with a
 * PUIDNETD_MSGTERM, an optional '\r', and a required '\n'.
 * The input string should contain no non-printable characters other than
 * PUIDNETD_MSGTERM, '\r, and '\n'.  The net daemons perform backspace ('\b'
 * and '\177`) processing in case input is coming from telnet clients that
 * don't already do that before sending lines.
 * Clients of the net daemons need not do backspace processing, but they
 * may want to strip incoming line string of their trailing '\r' and '\n'
 * characters.  (The '\r' is a DOS concession.)
 * Here is a quit command string:
 *	"q\t\n"
 * Also see the section of comments titled "Record length and continuations:".

#define PUIDNETD_CMD_AUTHC	'a'	/* AUTHentiCate */
#define PUIDNETD_CMD_CHLKUP	'C'	/* look up authorization characteristic
					 * name or number */
#define PUIDNETD_CMD_CONT	'+'	/* continue previous command */
#define PUIDNETD_CMD_GETINFO	'i'	/* get DBM info -- see PUIDNETD_GIFO_*
					 * symbols */
#define PUIDNETD_CMD_JOIN	'j'	/* join (to a realm) */
#define PUIDNETD_CMD_LOOKUP	'l'	/* lookup */
#define PUIDNETD_CMD_LSTCH	'L'	/* get authorization characteristic
					 * list (may require PUID_ACL_M_LSTCH
					 * ACL permission) */
#define PUIDNETD_CMD_MODIFY	'm'	/* modify */
#define PUIDNETD_CMD_MINE	'I'	/* mIne */
#define PUIDNETD_CMD_QUIT	'q'	/* quit */
#define PUIDNETD_CMD_UNJOIN	'u'	/* unjoin (from a realm) */

 * Get-info sub-commands, delivered in a PUIDNETD_DATA_MSG field of a
 * If no PUIDNETD_DATA_MSG field accompanies a PUID_CMD_GETINFO command,
 * the command is rejected.

#define PUIDNETD_GIFO_ALL	'A'	/* get all statistics */
#define PUIDNETD_GIFO_AKA	'a'	/* get alias statistics */
#define PUIDNETD_GIFO_CN	'n'	/* get common name statistics */
#define PUIDNETD_GIFO_GETACL	'b'	/* get a PUID's ACL bits */
#define PUIDNETD_GIFO_ID	's'	/* get SID|SSN statistics */
#define PUIDNETD_GIFO_PUID	'p'	/* get PUID statistics */
#define PUIDNETD_GIFO_REALMS	'r'	/* get statistics for authentication
					 * realms */
#define PUIDNETD_GIFO_Q		'q'	/* get queue statistics */

 * DBM ACL mode symbols

#define	PUIDNETD_ACL_M_RD	0x1	/* read permission */
#define	PUIDNETD_ACL_M_WRM	0x2	/* write|modify permission */
#define	PUIDNETD_ACL_M_DIS	0x4	/* disable|enable permission */
#define	PUIDNETD_ACL_M_BKR	0x8	/* backup and rebuild permission */
#define	PUIDNETD_ACL_M_CR	0x10	/* create permission */
#define	PUIDNETD_ACL_M_DBM	0x20	/* can run DBM */
#define	PUIDNETD_ACL_M_PDMP	0x40	/* can dump a person's record */
#define	PUIDNETD_ACL_M_SLKU	0x80	/* can look up by or display HRID|SID
					 * (needed with PUIDNETD_ACL_M_MINE
					 * to "mine" * HRID|SID) */
#define	PUIDNETD_ACL_M_MINE	0x100	/* can "mine" a person's record, but not
					 * necessarily its HRID|SID (that
					 * requires PUIDNETD_ACL_M_SLKU) */
#define	PUIDNETD_ACL_M_CH	0x200	/* can replace global characteristics */
#define	PUIDNETD_ACL_M_DEL	0x400	/* delete permission */
#define	PUIDNETD_ACL_M_CNMR	0x800	/* can get multiple results from a
					 * reflector common name search */
#define	PUIDNETD_ACL_M_CCRL	0x1000	/* can change regular expression lookup
					 * limits above defaults */
#define	PUIDNETD_ACL_M_EPUID	0x2000	/* can set an effective PUID */
#define	PUIDNETD_ACL_M_GETACL	0x4000	/* can get a PUID's ACL bits */

 * Error codes
 * These codes appear in a PUIDNETD_DATA_ERRC field.

#define PUIDNETD_ECCDBM		1	/* Can't contact DBM */
#define PUIDNETD_EUCMD		2	/* Unknown command */
#define PUIDNETD_EPNF		3	/* Person not found */
#define PUIDNETD_ENOSEP		4	/* Missing separator */
#define PUIDNETD_EINTERNAL	5	/* Internal error */
#define PUIDNETD_ENOMEM		6	/* No memory */
#define PUIDNETD_EMSHT		7	/* Message too short */
#define PUIDNETD_EFLDSHT	8	/* Field too short */
#define PUIDNETD_EFLDTL		9	/* Field too long */
#define PUIDNETD_EILLCH		10	/* Illegal character in string */
#define PUIDNETD_EILLFT		11	/* Illegal field terminator */
#define PUIDNETD_EUPNF		12	/* Unpack structure not found */
#define PUIDNETD_EUDTY		13	/* Unknown data type */
#define PUIDNETD_EDUPFLD	14	/* Duplicate field */
#define PUIDNETD_ECONT		15	/* Continuation missing or unexpected */
#define PUIDNETD_ENOCMD		16	/* No command */
#define PUIDNETD_EDBME		17	/* DBM returned an error */
#define PUIDNETD_EWRDBM		18	/* Error writing to DBM */
#define PUIDNETD_ERDDBM		19	/* Error reading from DBM */
#define PUIDNETD_EUNPDBM	20	/* Error unpacking DBM reply */
#define PUIDNETD_EUNDBMR	21	/* Unknown DBM response */
#define PUIDNETD_ERECFLD	22	/* Illegal record field */
#define PUIDNETD_ECHTY		23	/* Illegal characteristic type */
#define PUIDNETD_ECHFMT		24	/* Characteristic field format error */
#define PUIDNETD_ECHVAL		25	/* Illegal characteristic value */
#define PUIDNETD_ECHCRIT	26	/* Illegal characteristic creation */
#define PUIDNETD_ESYSCALL	27	/* UNIX system call failure */
#define PUIDNETD_EGIFO		28	/* Error in GIFO sub-command */
#define PUIDNETD_ECKDF		29	/* PUID check digit error */
#define PUIDNETD_EILLPUID	30	/* Illegal PUID */
#define PUIDNETD_EILLTM		31	/* Illegal time value */
#define PUIDNETD_EAUTHRNC	32	/* Authentication record not closed */
#define PUIDNETD_EIAUTHACLR	33	/* Illegal authentication ACL record */
#define PUIDNETD_EIAUTHACLPM	34	/* Illegal authentication ACL mask */
#define PUIDNETD_EAUTHACLNC	35	/* Authentication ACL not closed */
#define	PUIDNETD_ECERTSER	36	/* Certificate serial number error */
#define	PUIDNETD_EIRR		37	/* Incomplete realm record */
#define	PUIDNETD_EMPOA		38	/* Missing PUID or AKA */
#define	PUIDNETD_ENSAR		39	/* No such authentication realm */
#define PUIDNETD_EENOTIMP	40	/* Encryption type not implemented */
#define PUIDNETD_EUAE		41	/* Unspecified authentication error */
#define PUIDNETD_EPORSSL	42	/* Password operations require SSL */
#define PUIDNETD_EILLB64CH	43	/* Illegal base 64 character */
#define PUIDNETD_EDB64S		44	/* Error decoding base 64 string */
#define PUIDNETD_EMRN		45	/* Missing realm name */
#define PUIDNETD_EREMU		46	/* Realm encryption method undefined */
#define PUIDNETD_EICD		47	/* Illegal client data */
#define	PUIDNETD_ECERTERR	48	/* Certificate error */
#define PUIDNETD_ENRETD		49	/* No realm encryption type defined */

 * Field characters
 * After the first characters of the string, which may be a command (see the
 * PUIDNETD_CMD_* definitions) or a reply (see the PUIDNETD_REPLY_*
 * definitions) and a PUIDNETD_MSGTERM, input and output data may be present in
 * fields.
 * Each field is identified with a leading character from the following
 * PUIDNETD_DATA_* definitions.  Optional data follows.  The field must be
 * terminated with the PUIDNETD_MSGTERM character and must not contain it.
 * Multiple fields may be present, each identified with its PUIDNETD_DATA_*
 * character, followed by optional data, and a PUIDNETD_MSGTERM.
 * Here's an example of a lookup command (PUIDNETD_CMD_LOOKUP) that is
 * accompanied by PUID 1234567 (PUIDNETD_DATA_PUID).
 *	"l\tp1234567\t\n"
 *   or
 *	"lp1234567\t\n"
 * This lookup command is accompanied by an alias and a boolean expression.
 *	"l\taabcdef\tX(01 & (~02))\t\n"
 *   or
 *	"laabcdef\tX(01 & (~02))\t\n"
 * Also see the section of comments titled "Record length and continuations:".

#define PUIDNETD_DATA_AKA	  'a'	/* alias */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_ATTR	  'i'	/* attributes */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_CNM	  'N'	/* common name */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_CRID	  'c'	/* creator PUID */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_CRTM	  '>'	/* creation time */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_EPUID	  'V'	/* effectiVe PUID */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_ERRC	  'e'	/* error code */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_FMSG	  'f'	/* freeze message (RADIUS) */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_HRID	  'h'	/* Human Resources ID */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_MDFY	  'Y'	/* modificatioN record */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_MSG	  'M'	/* message */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_NEW	  'n'	/* new data */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_OLD	  'o'	/* old data */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_PUID	  'p'	/* PUID */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_SEQ	  'q'	/* seQuence */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_RE	  'r'	/* name search regular expression */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_SID	  's'	/* Student ID */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_UPUID	  'u'	/* updater's PUID */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_UTM	  'U'	/* update time */

/* Field characters specific to the authentication DBM. */
#define	PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHC_CERT  'B'	/* X.509 certificate (base 64) */
#define	PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHC_PWD   'P'	/* clear-text password (base 64) */
#define	PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHC_PHASH 'H'	/* password hash (base 64) */
#define	PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHC_PHASH_MODTM '.'	/* password hash mod time */
#define	PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHC_REC   '@'	/* realm record delimiter */
#define	PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHC_RID   'I'	/* realm ID (numeric) */
#define	PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHC_RNAME 'R'	/* realm name */
#define	PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHC_ACLR  '!'	/* realm/person ACL record */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHC_ACLPM '#'	/* realm/person ACL permission mask */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHC_TAB   'T'	/* per-realm auth. session table */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHC_BA    '`'	/* Bad auth. attempts since last good */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHC_CBA   '}'	/* Cumulative bad auth. attempts */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHC_CGA   '{'	/* Cumulative good auth. attempts */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHC_LGA   '~'	/* Time of last good authentication */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHC_FRZ   '*'	/* Time account was "frozen" */

/* Field characters specific to the authorization DBM. */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHZ_CH	  'E'	/* authorization charactEristics */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHZ_CHL	  'L'	/* comma-separated characteristic
					 * number list */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHZ_CHNM  'z'	/* authoriZation characteristic name */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHZ_CHNR  'Z'	/* authoriZation characteristic
					 * number */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHZ_EXPV  'v'	/* authorization expression value */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_AUTHZ_EXP	  'X'	/* authorization expression */
#define PUIDNETD_DATA_CONT	  '+'	/* continuation */

 * Field terminator:

#define PUIDNETD_MSGTERM	'\t'	/* field terminator */

 * Protocol reply codes:
 * One of these response codes begins every reply.  It may be optionally
 * followed by a PUIDNETD_MSGTERM and a field (identifier character,  optional
 * data, and terminator).  It will end with a PUIDNETD_MSGTERM, a '\r', and a
 * '\n'.
 * For example,
 *	"n\te22\t\r\n"
 *   or
 *	"ne22\t\r\n"
 * contains a negative acknowledgement ('n'), followed by a PUIDNETD_MSGTERM
 * and an error code field ('e') whose error code value is "22".  The error
 * code field is terminated with PUIDNETD_MSGTERM, followed by '\r' and '\n'.
 * Also see the section of comments titled "Record length and continuations:".

#define PUIDNETD_REPL_ACK	'a'	/* positive acknowledgement */
					/* continue acknowledgement */
#define PUIDNETD_REPL_NAK	'n'	/* negative acknowledgement */
#define PUIDNETD_REPL_WELCOME	'w'	/* welcome (ready) */

 * Record length and continuations:
 * Records may not be longer than (when issued by a net daemon are guaranteed
 * not to be longer than) PUIDNETD_MAXMSGL characters, including the ending
 * '\r' and '\n'.  The user should allocate a buffer of (PUIDNETD_MAXMSGL + 1)
 * characters to receive input, and use length-limiting functions like read(),
 * fread(), or fgets() to transfer no more than PUIDNETD_MAXMSGL characters to
 * the buffer.  With fgets(), for example, that space allocation should allow
 * for the string-ending '\n' and the string-terminating NUL.  A message longer
 * than PUIDNETD_MAXMSG is considered an error.
 * No single field can be longer than PUIDNETD_MAXFLDL.  When the total to be 
 * transmitted in a single command or reply is larger than PUIDNETD_MAXMSGL,
 * command and reply messages must be continued.
 * The message to be continued must end with the PUIDNETD_DATA_CONT field
 * character, followed immediately by '\r' and '\n'.  PUIDNETD_DATA_CONT should
 * follow the PUIDNETD_MSGTERM of the last field of the message and should NOT
 * be followed by a PUIDNETD_MSGTERM of its own.  The immediately following
 * message should begin with a PUIDNETD_CMD_CONT command and may end with
 * PUIDNETD_DATA_CONT, if it is also continued.  The last message of a
 * continuation sequence should end normally -- i.e., no PUIDNETD_DATA_CONT
 * character after the last PUIDNETD_MSGTERM and before the '\r' and '\n'.
 * Continued command messages always require a reply -- e. g., a  positive
 * (PUIDNETD_REPL_ACL) or negative (PUIDNETD_REPL_NAK) acknowledgement.
 * Continued reply messages come in sequence and no commands may be sent
 * until all continuations have been sent.
 * Here's an example of a continued command:
 *	Command sent:		Reply received:
 *	"l\t+\r\n"		"a\r\r\n"
 *	"+\t+\r\n"		"a\t\r\n"
 *	"+NFoo Bar\t\r\n"	"n\te13\r\n"
 * Here's an example of a continued reply:
 *	"n\te22\tMThis is the first message.  More follow.\t+\r\n"
 *	"+\tMThis is the second message.  One more follows.\t+\r\n"
 *	"+\tMThis is the last message.  No more follow.\t\r\n"
 * Note that the command or reply (a negative acknowledgement of 'n' in
 * the second example) must be preserved by the receiver of continued
 * messages.  (The puidnetd_unpk() function preserves the command or reply
 * in the nu_cmd member of its puidnetd_unpk_t structure.)

 * Unpacked input string structure, produced by the puidnetd_unpfld() function
 * from an input string that is formed of a PUIDNETD_CMD_* or PUIDNETD_REPL_*,
 * optionally followed by fields identified with a PUID_DATA_* character,
 * terminated with PUIDNETD_MSGTERM.  The entire string will end with a
 * !!!!NOTE!!!!	The preceding paragraph specifically excludes the ending '\r'
 *		and '\n' characters from input to puidnetd_unpfld(), and
 *		requires that the input to puidnetd_unpfld() be NUL-terminated.
 *		The '\r' and '\n' must be removed before the string is
 *		supplied to puidnetd_unpfld() and the string supplied to
 *		puidnetd_unpfld() must be terminated with a NUL character
 *		('\0').  Both operations can be accomplished by replacing the
 *		ending '\r' and|or '\n' with NUL characters -- e.g.,
 *			char buf[PUIDNETD_MAXMSGL + 1], *cp;
 *			size_t bufl = sizeof(buf) - 1;
 *			int cont, pcont;
 *			puidnetd_unpk_t = u;
 *			pcont = 0;
 *			(void) memset((void *)&un, 0, sizeof(puidnetd_unpk_t));
 *			if (fgets(buf, bufl, stdin)) {
 *			    if ((cp = strchr(buf, '\n')))
 *				*cp = '\0';
 *			    if ((cont = puidnetd_unpfld(buf, u, pcont)) < 0) {
 *			    	Process puidnetd_unpfld() error.
 *			    }
 *			    Process unpacked input.  Handle continuation.
 *			}
 * For example:
 *	"l\tNAlfred E Newmann\taenum\t\r\n"
 *   or
 *	"lNAlfred E Newmann\taenum\t\r\n"
 * Would be converted to the strings:
 *	"l\tNAlfred E Newmann\taenum\t\0"
 *   or
 *	"lNAlfred E Newmann\taenum\t\0"
 * and supplied to puidnetd_unpfld().  It would unpack the strings into a
 * puidnetd_unpk_t structure having a command character element of 'l', a
 * common name element ('N') of "Alfred E Newman", and an alias element ('a')
 * of "enum".

#define PUIDNETD_MAXFLDL	2048	/* maximum field length */
#define PUIDNETD_MAXMSGL	4095	/* maximum message length */

typedef struct puidnetd_fld {		/* basic field */
	char *nf_ch;			/* character string address */
	size_t nf_len;			/* string length */
} puidnetd_fld_t;

typedef struct puidnetd_authc_acl_fld {	/* Access Control List (ACL) entry */
	char na_op;			/* operation: add, delete, modify */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_puid;		/* PUID to whom ACL grants permission */
	unsigned long na_perms;		/* permissions granted to na_puid */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_crid;		/* creator of this ACL entry */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_crtm;		/* creation time of this ACL entry */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_modid;	/* last modifier */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_modtm;	/* last modification time */
	struct puidnetd_authc_acl_fld *na_nxt; /* next ACL entry */
} puidnetd_authc_acl_fld_t;

/* definitions for puidnetd_authc_acl_fld_t->na_op (ACL operation type) */
#define PUIDNETD_AUTHC_ACL_OP_ADD	'a'	/* Add an ACL entry */
#define PUIDNETD_AUTHC_ACL_OP_DEL	'd'	/* Delete an ACL entry */
#define PUIDNETD_AUTHC_ACL_OP_MDFY	'm'	/* Modify an ACL entry */

/* definitions for puidnetd_authc_acl_fld_t->na_perms (ACL permission mask */
#define	PUIDNETD_AUTHC_ACLP_MP		0x1	/* modify password */
#define	PUIDNETD_AUTHC_ACLP_MC		0x2	/* modify certificate */
#define	PUIDNETD_AUTHC_ACLP_MAC		0x4	/* modify acl, create */
#define	PUIDNETD_AUTHC_ACLP_MAD		0x8	/* modify acl, delete */
#define	PUIDNETD_AUTHC_ACLP_MAM		0x10	/* modify acl, modify */
						/* permission mask */

typedef struct puidnetd_authc_fld {	/* authentication realm field */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_realm_id;	/* numeric realm ID */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_realm_name;	/* character realm name */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_password;	/* clear text password (base 64) */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_passhash;	/* password hash (base 64) */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_passhash_modtm;	/* password hash mod time */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_certificate;	/* certificate (base 64) */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_crid;		/* creator's PUID */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_crtm;		/* creation time */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_modid;	/* last modifier's PUID */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_modtm;	/* last modification time */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_cbadatts;	/* cumulative bad auth. attempts */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_cgoodatts;	/* cumulative good auth. attempts */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_badatts;	/* number of bad auth. attempts since */
					/* last successful authentication */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_lastgoodauth;	/* time of last successful */
					/* authentication */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_frozenat;	/* time account was "frozen" */
	puidnetd_fld_t na_attr;		/* attributes */
	puidnetd_authc_acl_fld_t *na_acl; /* linked list of ACL entries */
	struct puidnetd_authc_fld *na_nxt; /* next record in linked list */
} puidnetd_authc_fld_t;

typedef	struct puidnetd_msg_fld {	/* message field */
	struct puidnetd_msg_fld *nm_nxt;
					/* next message link */
	puidnetd_fld_t nm_msg;		/* message */
} puidnetd_msg_fld_t;

typedef	struct puidnetd_rec_fld {	/* general record field list */
	char *nr_ch;			/* field start */
	size_t nr_len;			/* length, including start of record
					 * characters, but excluding end of
					 * record characters */
	struct puidnetd_rec_fld *nr_nxt;
					/* next general field */
} puidnetd_rec_fld_t;

typedef struct puidnetd_zch_fld {	/* authorization charactEristics */
	puidnetd_fld_t nz_char;		/* charactEristic code -- a list of
					 * basic word values in the forms:
					 *   + starting a characteristic list
					 *     field indicates it is a
					 *     a continuation of a previous
					 *     field.
					 *	      (+ = PUIDNETDZ_CHTY_CONT)
					 *   <dec> = decimal characteristic
					 *	     number (global)
					 *   g<dec> = decimal characteristic
					 *	      number (global)
					 *	      (g = PUIDNETDZ_CHTY_GLOB)
					 *   p<dec> = decimal characteristic
					 *	      number (private)
					 *            (p = PUIDNETDZ_CHTY_PRIV)
					 *   w<x>|<x>... = set of hexidecimal
					 *		   values for the basic
					 *		   characteristics words
					 *		   (All words must be
					 *		    represented.)
					 *	      (w = PUIDNETDZ_CHTY_BWD)
					 * The above forms may be optionally
					 * followed by this suffix:
					 *   (<crid>,<crtm>) = creator PUID
					 *		       (crid) and
					 *		       creation time
					 *		       (crtm).  The
					 *		       enclosing
					 *		       parentheses are
					 *		       required.
					 * Multiple values may be separated by
					 * commas.
	struct puidnetd_zch_fld *nz_nxt; /* next charactEristic */
} puidnetd_zch_fld_t;

typedef struct puidnetd_zchl_fld {
	puidnetd_fld_t zl_num;		/* comma-separated characteristic
					 * number list */
	struct puidnetd_zchl_fld *zl_nxt;
					/* next list entry */
} puidnetd_zchl_fld_t;

typedef struct puidnetd_unpk {
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_aka;		/* alias */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_attr;		/* attributes */
	puidnetd_authc_fld_t *nu_auth;	/* authentication realm records */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_chnm;		/* characteristic name */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_chnr;		/* characteristic number */
	char nu_cmd;			/* command */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_cnm;		/* common name */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_crid;		/* creator PUID */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_crtm;		/* creation time */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_epuid;	/* effective PUID */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_errc;		/* error code */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_exp;		/* authorization expression */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_expv;		/* authorization expression value */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_fmsg;		/* freeze message (RADIUS) */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_hrid;		/* Human Resources ID */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_modid;	/* last updater's PUID */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_modtm;	/* last update time */
	puidnetd_msg_fld_t *nu_msg;	/* messages */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_puid;		/* PUID */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_re;		/* name search regular expression */
	puidnetd_rec_fld_t *nu_rec;	/* general record fields */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_seq;		/* seQuence */
	puidnetd_fld_t nu_sid;		/* Student ID */
	puidnetd_zch_fld_t *nu_zch;	/* authorization charactEristics */
	puidnetd_zchl_fld_t *nu_zchl;	/* comma-separated characteristic
					 * number list */
} puidnetd_unpk_t;

#define PUIDNETD_MCBINCR	4	/* PuidnetdMcb[] allocation increment */

typedef struct puidnetd_mcbuf {		/* message copy buffer allocation */
	char *buf;			/* buffer address */
	size_t bufl;			/* buffer length */
	puidnetd_unpk_t *u;		/* assigned to this unpack structure
					 * (NULL if unassigned)
					 *	   1 == assigned */
} puidnetd_mcbuf_t;

#define PUIDNETD_UPQINCR	4	/* PuidetdUpQ[] allocation increment */

typedef struct puidnetd_upqueue {	/* unpack queue entry */
	int st;				/* status: 0 = available, 1 = in use */
	puidnetd_unpk_t *u;		/* associated unpack structure */
} puidnetd_upqueue_t;

 * Characteristics definitions and structures

#define	PUIDNETDZ_CHTY_BWD   'w'	/* basic words */
#define	PUIDNETDZ_CHTY_CONT  '+'	/* continuation */
#define	PUIDNETDZ_CHTY_GLOB  'g'	/* global */
#define	PUIDNETDZ_CHTY_PRIV  'p'	/* private */
#define PUIDNETDZ_MINCH	     0		/* minimum characteristic number */
#define PUIDNETDZ_MAXCH	     0x3fffffff	/* maximum characteristic number */
#define PUIDNETDZ_MAXCHD     9		/* maximum digits in a characteristic */
#define PUIDNETDZ_BCBPW	     32		/* basic characteristics bits/word */
#define PUIDNETDZ_BCMAX	     32		/* maximum basic characteristic */
					/* number of basic 32 bit words */

typedef struct puidnetdz_chasm {
	int ch;				/* characteristic number -- -1 if this
					 * is an entry for basic
					 * characteristics word values */
	puid_t crid;			/* creator's PUID */
	puidtm_t crtm;			/* creation time */
	char ot;			/* origination type -- see the
					 * PUIDNETDZ_CHTY* symbols */
					/* word values */
} puidnetdz_chasm_t;

 * Externals:
 * These are found in the PUID library, libpuid.a, and in the
 * library source files puidnetd_errlist.c and puidnetd_unpk.c.

extern puidnetd_unpk_t *puidnetd_allocup(void);
extern int puidnetd_ckcd(char *pc, size_t pcl, puid_t pb);
extern void puidnetd_clrunp(puidnetd_unpk_t *u, int d);
extern int puidnetd_cvtpuid(char *c, size_t l, puid_t *p);
extern int puidnetd_errno;
extern puidnetd_unpk_t *puidnetd_findup(void);
extern int puidnetd_freeup(puidnetd_unpk_t *u);
extern char *puidnetd_puid2str(puid_t puid, char *abuf, size_t abufl);
extern char *puidnetd_strerror(int e);
extern int puidnetd_unpfld(char *m, puidnetd_unpk_t *r, int t);
extern int puidnetd_unptm(char *c, size_t l, puidtm_t *r);
extern int puidnetdz_asmch(char *z, size_t l, puidnetdz_chasm_t **c, int *n);

#endif	/* !defined(PUIDNETD_H) */


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