Purdue Today.

January 17, 2023

Current web edition

The Peristent Pursuit

Faculty and Staff News

Purdue MLK celebration to feature Morgan State University Choir

Purdue is proud to host its annual commemoration honoring the life and legacy of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. at 7 tonight (Jan. 17) in Stewart Center’s Loeb Playhouse through a performance by the renowned Morgan State University Choir of Baltimore. Online registration is recommended.

Choir singer

Things to Know

Finalists for dean of College of Engineering to make on-campus presentations this week
President Chiang, Provost Wolfe to hold undergraduate listening session
Mileage rate change in effect for 2023
This week's 'Thumbs Up' recipients

In the Spotlight

Welcome to Purdue

Celebrating the newest Boilermakers on taking their next giant leap

Purdue is excited to celebrate the newest Boilermakers on taking their next giant leap. Join us in welcoming the Class of 2027 to the Purdue family and sharing the good news. All of the congratulatory assets, including a welcome video, social graphics, social post copy and more, are available on the Purdue Marketing and Communications website. Share the news: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

Additional News

Students holding diplomas

Purdue University remains nimble and driven toward the future

Every successful land-grant university emphasizes three key pillars as it executes its mission: teaching, research and engagement. But these institutions must continually evolve in order to meet the changing needs of the people they serve. Throughout its history, Purdue has displayed an ability to be adaptable, and it will continue to adapt in order to support the people of Indiana and beyond. Share the news: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

Nuclear reactor

Purdue, Duke Energy to host next installment of lecture series Wednesday

Purdue and Duke Energy will host the next installment of the Understanding Tomorrow’s Nuclear Energy Lecture Series on Wednesday (Jan. 18). Kathryn D. Huff, assistant secretary for nuclear energy in the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy, will present “Nuclear Power in 2050” in Stewart Center’s Fowler Hall and via livestream. Share the news: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn


January edition: Newly issued patents


Center for C-SPAN Scholarship & Engagement announces editorial board


ACE Campus Food Pantry hosting food drive through Friday
Nominations sought for Purdue’s Student Life Impact Awards; opportunity to recognize engaged and exceptional Purdue alumni


Purdue University Events Calendar

Bringing Our Best

Thumbs Up: Steven Hauntz

Steven Hauntz (Operations and Maintenance) happened upon us trying to move a broken piece of awkward furniture to the dumpster. With helping hands and a smile on his face, Steven helped us out of our office, into the elevator and kindly finished taking the broken furniture to the dumpster. Thank you, Steven, for helping us! Your time was greatly appreciated. – Kristy Bennett and Gina Haines (both Curriculum and Instruction)

* Submit a "Thumbs Up" or send a story idea for "Bringing Our Best" to PurdueToday@purdue.edu to share how Purdue University is a community that is persistent in its pursuit to build a better world together.

Purdue in the News

Here is a sampling of recent news reports about Purdue from media across the nation and the world.

Science: Lifting the veil: Alien planets are shrouded in hazes that hide clues to their makeup. Lab experiments could help clear the view
Manufacturing Dive: Data, robotics continue to drive manufacturing tech trends in 2023
WISH-TV: IU, Purdue economics experts weigh unknowns in 2023 economy
Purdue Today is the official Purdue University communication for faculty and staff